45 Facts about the movie Django Unchained - Facts.net
Chris Link

Written by Chris Link

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Nzfilmfreak.wordpress.com

Django Unchained is a groundbreaking and critically acclaimed movie that showcases the genius of Quentin Tarantino. Released in 2012, this Western film takes place in the antebellum era and tells the gripping story of Django, a freed slave turned bounty hunter, on a quest to rescue his wife from a brutal plantation owner.

Tarantino’s signature style is evident throughout the film, with its mix of intense action, sharp dialogue, and powerful performances. Django Unchained not only entertained audiences worldwide, but it also sparked important conversations about slavery, racism, and the ethics of vengeance.

In this article, we delve into 45 fascinating facts about Django Unchained that shed light on the making of this cinematic masterpiece. From behind-the-scenes trivia to notable performances, let’s explore the intricacies and impact of this Tarantino gem.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Django Unchained” is a 2012 movie with an all-star cast, intense action, and a powerful story of freedom and revenge, earning critical acclaim and sparking important discussions about its themes.
  • The film’s blend of Western and revenge genres, along with its captivating storytelling and memorable characters, has led to a dedicated fan base and a resurgence of interest in classic Spaghetti Western films.
Table of Contents

Django Unchained was released in 2012.

Django Unchained, directed by Quentin Tarantino, hit the silver screen in 2012, captivating audiences with its unique blend of western and revenge genres.

The movie stars Jamie Foxx as the title character Django.

Playing the role of a freed slave-turned-bounty hunter, Jamie Foxx delivered a powerful and unforgettable performance.

Christoph Waltz won an Academy Award for his portrayal of Dr. King Schultz.

Christoph Waltz’s portrayal of the charismatic German bounty hunter earned him an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.

Leonardo DiCaprio plays the villainous plantation owner Calvin Candie.

Known for his exceptional acting skills, DiCaprio brought Calvin Candie to life with his chilling and intense performance.

Quentin Tarantino wrote the screenplay for Django Unchained.

Tarantino’s brilliant writing skills shine through in the captivating and thought-provoking storyline of Django Unchained.

The movie was inspired by classic Spaghetti Western films.

Tarantino drew inspiration from iconic Spaghetti Westerns like Sergio Leone’s “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” to create the unique style of Django Unchained.

Django Unchained features an all-star cast.

Aside from Foxx, Waltz, and DiCaprio, the movie boasts an impressive ensemble cast including actors like Samuel L. Jackson, Kerry Washington, and Walton Goggins.

The film tackles themes of slavery and racism.

Django Unchained addresses the horrors of slavery and racism in a bold and unflinching manner, sparking conversations and reflections on these important issues.

The movie received critical acclaim.

Django Unchained was praised by critics for its exceptional performances, screenplay, and engaging storytelling, receiving numerous awards and nominations.

The soundtrack of Django Unchained features a mix of genres.

With its eclectic blend of Western music, hip-hop, and soul, the film’s soundtrack perfectly complements the unique atmosphere of Django Unchained.

The initial script for Django Unchained was leaked online.

Prior to its release, an early version of the script was leaked, leading Tarantino to consider scrapping the project altogether. Fortunately, he decided to proceed and create a masterpiece.

Django Unchained was a box office success.

The film grossed over $425 million worldwide, solidifying its position as a commercial success.

The movie’s runtime is approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes.

Django Unchained takes audiences on an immersive journey that spans almost three hours, allowing for a fully developed and captivating narrative.

Leonardo DiCaprio accidentally cut his hand during a scene.

In the scene where DiCaprio’s character Calvin Candie slams his hand on a table, he accidentally cut his hand on a shard of glass. However, he continued with the scene, incorporating the real blood into his performance.

The production of Django Unchained faced several challenges.

From extreme weather conditions to location issues, the production team overcame various obstacles to create a visually stunning and immersive film.

Quentin Tarantino has a cameo appearance in Django Unchained.

Tarantino makes a brief appearance in the film as an Australian mining company employee, showcasing his love for acting in his own movies.

The character of Django was named after the 1966 Spaghetti Western “Django.”

Tarantino paid homage to the iconic Spaghetti Western by naming his protagonist after the beloved character played by Franco Nero in the original film.

Django Unchained won two Academy Awards.

The film received Oscars for Best Original Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor (Christoph Waltz), further cementing its place in cinematic history.

The movie deals with the concept of empowerment and revenge.

Django Unchained showcases the journey of a man reclaiming his freedom and seeking justice, highlighting themes of empowerment and vengeance.

Django Unchained faced controversy for its use of racial slurs.

Due to its accurate portrayal of the racial tensions during the time of slavery, the film sparked discussions about the use of racial slurs in art and storytelling.

Samuel L. Jackson’s character, Stephen, has been criticized for perpetuating stereotypes.

Jackson’s portrayal of Stephen, a loyal but manipulative slave, raised debates about the representation of black characters in the film.

Django Unchained pays homage to Sergio Corbucci’s 1966 film “Django.”

Tarantino’s love for classic cinema is evident in the numerous references and homages to Corbucci’s original Django film.

The movie’s use of violence is intentionally exaggerated.

True to Tarantino’s signature style, Django Unchained features stylized and graphic violence, deliberately exaggerating the impact for artistic effect.

Jamie Foxx trained with firearms for his role.

Foxx underwent extensive training to handle and shoot firearms accurately, ensuring authenticity in his performance as a skilled gunslinger.

Quentin Tarantino won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay.

Tarantino’s masterful writing earned him the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay, showcasing his exceptional storytelling abilities.

The movie’s dynamic soundtrack includes songs by Ennio Morricone and James Brown.

The soundtrack of Django Unchained features iconic tracks by legendary composers like Ennio Morricone and soul legend James Brown, enhancing the overall cinematic experience.

Django Unchained explores the theme of identity.

Through the character of Django, the film delves into the journey of self-discovery and the search for identity in a world plagued by slavery and injustice.

Kerry Washington’s character, Broomhilda, is named after a German folklore tale.

The name Broomhilda is derived from a German folktale about a princess who is cursed and held captive, drawing parallels to the plight of Washington’s character.

The movie’s cinematography captures the beauty and brutality of the American South.

The visually stunning cinematography of Django Unchained juxtaposes the scenic landscapes with the harsh realities of slavery, creating a powerful visual narrative.

Django Unchained influenced a resurgence of interest in Spaghetti Western films.

The success of Django Unchained sparked renewed interest in the genre, leading to a resurgence of popularity for classic Spaghetti Western films.

The movie’s screenplay was meticulously researched.

Tarantino extensively researched the historical context and details of slavery to create a screenplay that was both engaging and historically accurate.

Django Unchained experienced a few script changes during production.

As with many Tarantino films, the script evolved during the filming process, allowing room for improvisation and creative adjustments to enhance the story.

The film was shot in various locations in the United States.

From California to Wyoming, Django Unchained utilized different locations to authentically capture the diverse settings portrayed in the film.

Django Unchained sparked discussions on the depiction of violence in cinema.

The film’s graphic violence led to debates on the portrayal of violence in movies, questioning its impact on audiences and the boundaries of artistic expression.

The movie features an iconic shootout scene.

Django Unchained is known for its intense and visually captivating shootout scenes, showcasing Tarantino’s unique directorial style.

Django Unchained contains references to historical events and figures.

The film weaves in references to notable figures and events from the time period, providing a contextual backdrop for the narrative.

The movie’s dialogue is known for its sharp and memorable lines.

Tarantino’s knack for crafting engaging and quotable dialogue is evident throughout Django Unchained, making it a memorable viewing experience.

Django Unchained was nominated for five Golden Globe Awards.

The film received recognition at the Golden Globe Awards, including nominations for Best Motion Picture – Drama and Best Director.

Django Unchained highlights the strength and resilience of its female characters.

From Broomhilda to the feisty and determined character of Candie’s sister, Lara Lee, the film portrays strong female characters who defy societal expectations.

Django Unchained was met with both praise and controversy upon its release.

The film sparked discussions about its depiction of slavery, violence, and racial themes, leading to diverse opinions from audiences and critics.

The movie’s title refers to the main character’s journey to freedom.

The name Django Unchained symbolizes Django’s quest to break free from the chains of slavery and the injustices of the world.

Django Unchained features Western-inspired costumes.

The meticulously designed costumes in the film pay homage to the classic Western genre, adding depth and authenticity to the characters and setting.

The movie’s action sequences are choreographed to perfection.

From intense gunfights to horseback pursuits, the action scenes in Django Unchained are meticulously planned and executed, adding excitement and adrenaline to the film.

The movie’s runtime is approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes.

Django Unchained takes audiences on an immersive journey that spans almost three hours, allowing for a fully developed and captivating narrative.

Django Unchained has garnered a cult following.

Since its release, Django Unchained has gained a dedicated fan base, with viewers appreciating its unique blend of genres, compelling storytelling, and exceptional performances.


In conclusion, Django Unchained is a groundbreaking and critically acclaimed film that tackles the sensitive subject of slavery in a unique and thought-provoking way. With its incredible performances, gripping storytelling, and powerful themes, it continues to captivate audiences around the world. Quentin Tarantino’s visionary direction and the stellar cast, led by Jamie Foxx and Christoph Waltz, bring this story to life with intensity and emotion. The film’s blend of action, drama, and social commentary makes it a true cinematic masterpiece. Django Unchained will undoubtedly continue to be remembered as one of the most influential and important films of its time.


Q: Who directed Django Unchained?

A: Django Unchained was directed by Quentin Tarantino, a highly acclaimed filmmaker known for his unique and stylized approach to storytelling.

Q: When was Django Unchained released?

A: Django Unchained was released in 2012 and quickly became a box office success, grossing over $425 million worldwide.

Q: What is the plot of Django Unchained?

A: Django Unchained follows the story of a freed slave named Django (played by Jamie Foxx) who teams up with a bounty hunter (played by Christoph Waltz) to find and rescue his wife from a ruthless plantation owner.

Q: Who stars in Django Unchained?

A: The film features an all-star cast including Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington, and Samuel L. Jackson, among others.

Q: Is Django Unchained historically accurate?

A: While Django Unchained is set during the time of slavery in the United States, it is important to note that it is a work of fiction and should not be taken as a historically accurate portrayal of events. The film incorporates elements of historical context but also takes creative liberties for dramatic purposes.

Q: What awards did Django Unchained win?

A: Django Unchained received critical acclaim and won several awards, including two Academy Awards for Best Original Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor (Christoph Waltz).

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