Contact us | Longbenton High School

Key contacts:


Transition queries: 

SEND queries: SENCO (Joe Elliott) & Deputy SENCO (Joanne Walton) -

Headteacher: Kelly Holbrook -

Deputy Headteacher Culture & Ethos: Paul Atkinson -

Deputy Headteacher Quality of Education: Sarah Willis -

Chair of Governors (Sheila Palmerley): email marking it 'FAO Chair of Governors'


For pastoral queries, please contact your child's Raising Standards Leader (Year Leader) or form tutor in the first instance:

Year 7: Nicola McPherson (RSL) or Amy Blackburn (PM) -  

Year 8: Kat Lambert (RSL) or Liam Stevens (PM) -  

Year 9: Kevin Leigh (RSL) or Kay Clark (PM) - 

Year 10: Alex Maughan (RSL) or Frazer Vodden (PM) - 

Year 11: Danny Harold (RSL) or Louise Gardner (PM) -

Sixth Form: Abby Potts (Head of Sixth Form) -


For all other general school enquiries please email 

Longbenton High School

Hailsham Avenue
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE12 8ER

(0191) 218 9500

(0191) 270 6760

Contact Form

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Longbenton High School is fully committed to full compliance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The School will therefore follow procedures which aim to ensure that all our staff, Governors, and contractors who have access to any personal data held by or on behalf of the School are fully aware of and abide by their duties under the GDPR. We also adhere to the guidance issued by the Information Commissioner.

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