31 Facts about the movie Friday the 13th - Facts.net
Melissa Navas

Written by Melissa Navas

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Tvinsider.com

Are you a horror movie fanatic? If so, then you’ve probably heard of the iconic slasher film franchise, Friday the 13th. Since its release in 1980, this beloved series has terrified and captivated audiences around the world. With its chilling storyline and unforgettable villain, Jason Voorhees, Friday the 13th has become a staple in the horror genre. But there’s more to this franchise than meets the eye. In this article, we’ll delve into 31 fascinating facts about the movie Friday the 13th that will give you a deeper appreciation for this spine-chilling classic. From behind-the-scenes details to trivia about the cast and production, prepare to discover some intriguing tidbits about this horror masterpiece. So grab your camping gear, watch out for machetes, and get ready to explore the mysteries behind Friday the 13th!

Key Takeaways:

  • The movie Friday the 13th, released in 1980, introduced the iconic killer Jason Voorhees and popularized the slasher genre, inspiring a wave of similar films.
  • Despite facing controversy and censorship, Friday the 13th’s enduring popularity and cultural impact have solidified its place as a classic horror film with a dedicated fan base.
Table of Contents

The birth of a horror icon

Friday the 13th is a classic horror film that was released in It was directed by Sean S. Cunningham and introduced audiences to one of the most iconic killers in the genre, Jason Voorhees.

The inspiration behind the film

The success of Halloween in 1978 inspired Cunningham to create a similar slasher film. The idea of setting it at a summer camp, where counselors are being targeted by a mysterious killer, was born.

The mysterious Pamela Voorhees

In the first installment of the franchise, the killer is revealed to be Pamela Voorhees, the mother of Jason Voorhees. This twist in the story set the foundation for the future sequels.

The hockey mask

Although Jason is not the killer in the first movie, his iconic hockey mask makes its first appearance in Friday the 13th Part III. The mask has become synonymous with the character and the franchise.

The cursed date

The movie takes place on Friday the 13th, a day often associated with bad luck and superstitions. The choice of this date added an extra layer of tension and fear to the story.

The low budget and big success

Friday the 13th was made on a budget of approximately $550,000 but went on to gross more than $39 million at the box office. Its success led to numerous sequels and spin-offs.

The original working title

The original working title for the film was “Long Night at Camp Blood.” The title was changed to Friday the 13th to capitalize on the aura of dread associated with that date.

The iconic music

The movie is known for its eerie and memorable soundtrack, composed by Harry Manfredini. The famous “ki-ki-ki, ma-ma-ma” sound effect became synonymous with the lurking presence of Jason Voorhees.

The uncredited makeup effects

Tom Savini, a renowned makeup artist and special effects guru, worked on the film without receiving screen credit. His work in creating the gruesome deaths and gory scenes added to the film’s impact.

The controversial reception

Friday the 13th received mixed reviews upon its release. While some critics panned it for its violence and lack of originality, others praised it for its suspense and ability to terrify audiences.

The influence on the slasher genre

Friday the 13th played a significant role in popularizing the slasher genre and inspiring a wave of similar films, including A Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream.

The setting

The movie is set at Camp Crystal Lake, a fictional summer camp located in New Jersey. The isolated and picturesque setting provided the perfect backdrop for the horrifying events that unfolded.

The famous tagline

The tagline “They were warned… They are doomed… And on Friday the 13th, nothing will save them” has become synonymous with the film, adding to the anticipation and fear surrounding its release.

The variations of Jason’s mask

Throughout the franchise, Jason’s iconic hockey mask underwent several design changes. Different artists and filmmakers added their unique touches, resulting in variations of the mask over the years.

The uncredited cameo

Kevin Bacon, who went on to become a Hollywood star, made his acting debut in Friday the 13th. His appearance as Jack Burrell, one of the ill-fated camp counselors, remains memorable.

The jump scares

The film is notorious for its effective jump scares, which often take the audience by surprise. These moments of intense terror heightened the suspense and kept viewers on the edge of their seats.

The franchise’s longevity

The Friday the 13th franchise has spawned numerous sequels, spin-offs, comics, video games, and even a television series. Jason Voorhees has become a horror icon with a dedicated fan base.

The controversy surrounding violence

Friday the 13th faced backlash and censorship due to its graphic violence and intense scenes. It was heavily edited in some countries, while it faced outright bans in others.

The legacy of “Final Girl”

The film popularized the concept of the “Final Girl,” a female character who survives the killer’s attacks and ultimately defeats them. This trope has become a staple in the slasher genre.

The hidden Easter eggs

Friday the 13th is full of hidden references and Easter eggs. From nods to other horror films to recurring motifs, fans delight in discovering these hidden gems.

The birth of a franchise

Friday the 13th sparked a franchise that has continued for over four decades. The sequels, prequels, and spin-offs have explored different aspects of Jason Voorhees’ story, creating a complex mythology.

The suspenseful chase scenes

The film is filled with intense chase scenes, as Jason Voorhees relentlessly hunts down his victims. These sequences keep viewers on the edge of their seats, wondering who will survive.

The impact on popular culture

Friday the 13th has left an indelible mark on popular culture. The hockey mask has become instantly recognizable, and the film’s impact can be seen in references and parodies in various media.

The evolution of Jason

As the franchise progressed, Jason Voorhees evolved from a human killer to a supernatural force. He became an undead, unstoppable force of nature, possessing immense strength and resilience.

The fan theories

Friday the 13th has given rise to numerous fan theories and speculations about the true nature of the story and the characters. Discussions around the franchise continue to this day.

The iconic death scenes

The Friday the 13th series is known for its inventive and gruesome death scenes. From creative uses of everyday objects to elaborate traps, the franchise has pushed the boundaries of horror.

The impact on the slasher film formula

Friday the 13th helped establish and solidify the formula for slasher films. The concept of a masked killer systematically targeting a group of young people has become a staple in the genre.

The representation of teenage rebellion

Friday the 13th tapped into the theme of teenage rebellion, with the young camp counselors defying authority and engaging in activities that ultimately lead to their demise. This added another layer to the film’s suspense.

The iconic poster art

The movie’s marketing campaign featured a memorable poster that showcased a knife piercing through a silhouette, representing the impending danger. The poster has become iconic in the horror genre.

The cultural impact

Friday the 13th has become ingrained in popular culture and has had a lasting impact on the horror genre. It has inspired countless filmmakers and continues to be referenced in various forms of media.

The enduring popularity

Despite being released over four decades ago, Friday the 13th continues to have a devoted fan base. The film’s blend of horror, suspense, and iconic characters ensures its enduring popularity.

So there you have it, The 31 Facts about the Movie Friday the 13th! From its humble beginnings to its lasting impact on the horror genre, this film has left an undeniable mark on pop culture. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or new to the series, Friday the 13th is a must-watch for any horror aficionado.


In conclusion, Friday the 13th is a timeless horror classic that has captivated audiences for decades. With its iconic masked killer, thrilling suspense, and memorable characters, it continues to be a favorite among horror enthusiasts. The film’s success spawned a franchise that includes numerous sequels, spin-offs, and even a reboot.With its innovative use of suspenseful cinematography, chilling sound design, and effective storytelling, Friday the 13th cemented its place in horror movie history. Its impact can still be felt today, as it has inspired countless other slasher films and contributed to the evolution of the genre.So, whether you’re a horror fan or just looking for a good scare, Friday the 13th is a must-watch. Prepare to be on the edge of your seat as you witness the terror unfold at Camp Crystal Lake. Just remember, if you hear the eerie sound of a hockey mask and see a machete-wielding maniac, run, because Jason Voorhees is coming for you!


Q: When was the first Friday the 13th movie released?

A: The first Friday the 13th movie was released on May 9, 1980.

Q: Who directed the original Friday the 13th film?

A: The original Friday the 13th was directed by Sean S. Cunningham.

Q: Is Friday the 13th based on a true story?

A: No, Friday the 13th is not based on a true story. It is a work of fiction.

Q: How many Friday the 13th movies are there?

A: There are a total of 12 movies in the Friday the 13th franchise, including the original film and its sequels.

Q: Who is the killer in Friday the 13th?

A: The killer in Friday the 13th is the infamous Jason Voorhees, who wears a hockey mask and wields a machete.

Q: Where is Friday the 13th set?

A: The Friday the 13th movies are primarily set at Camp Crystal Lake, a fictional camp located in the state of New Jersey.

If you're craving more fascinating film facts, don't miss our deep dive into the cult classic "UHF," starring Weird Al Yankovic. For horror aficionados, we've got the scoop on "Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter," set at the infamous Camp Crystal Lake. And if you're brave enough, explore the supernatural thrills of "Deliver Us From Evil," based on real-life NYPD cases.

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