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A cracking film, superbly acted.
Sleepin_Dragon3 January 2018
The Pass does in deed look at the taboo subject of being an openly gay man in top flight British football, and indeed sport generally. It's a cooking pot we all know will explode one day when shock horror a top flight player will come out. The film relies on the acting talents of two principles, Russell Tovey and Arinzé Kene, the acting is fabulous, Tovey in particular such a talented actor. I truly bought into the way in which the film spanned the three ages, makeup etc was excellent. Unfortunately It's not a film that would appeal to the mainstream, a pity because it's a great film with a powerful message.
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Incredible acting
Red_Identity30 May 2017
This was such a pleasant surprise. I truly did not know anything other than this being an LGBT- film, and boy was it more than that. It's not exactly an LGBT romance film, and surely not one of a couple blossoming. Instead, it's a quiet heavy and quiet dark character study of one broken man. Arinzé Kene is very good and I hope this helps him get more roles, but it's truly Russell Tovey's film and he delivers. I thought he was quite good in Looking, but I never knew he would be possible of the deeper places he goes to here. It's an incredibly performance that should stand as one of the year's best.
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Russell Tovey Made The Movie
ricardo_edm12 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie may not be the first to present what many professional athletes chose to do when faced with the decision of career or sexual orientation. However, it sure was the first to showcase in such great detail the amazing performance by Russell Tovey. I knew Tovey could act but I really think this was without doubt his best performance to date by miles. Many people complain that the movie is too slow but I found it perfectly paced.
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An excellent character study in the perils of choosing career over self realization
sinnerofcinema8 July 2017
I had the pleasure of watching this film during the 2017 Outfest Film Festival in Los Angeles and all I kept thinking to myself is WOW! This film was so well done and real to life. I actually know several personal friends who have chosen the path of career over finding true love. The results can be loneliness and missed opportunities. This film shows three different stages where love opportunities where missed over career goals. There are many levels to this film so I won't give anything from this film away. You MUST watch this film with an eye for details for there are many layers of story being told simultaneously. The actors were superb. Specially the main character who carried the film very well with conviction and authenticity. Kudos to him. Highly recommended. Beautifully done and executed.
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An enjoyable and interesting chamber film
ori_6414 April 2017
I almost skipped this film due to some bad reviews I read about it, and therefore was surprised to find that it is quite enjoyable and interesting. Acting is great, especially Tovey Russel's performance which I found excellent in spite of a somewhat exaggerated character script. I admit the subject treatment is a bit outdated, and the script is more suitable for chamber theater than for a film. But still, this is a very good gay flick.
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Footie Moderne
tomorchard9922 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this film immensely. It struck me as a modern version of the rugby classic This Sporting Life. But instead of Richard Harris raging at Rachel Roberts and all his demons and inexplicable anguish we have Russell Tovey doing likewise albeit with a gay twist. But actually this film is far more about power and the ability to use it, rather than sex or sexuality. Tovey can buy what he wants since he's a rich footballer whether it be a car, luxury flat or prostitute. But being able to buy what you want only leads, for him, to an empty life devoid of meaning. His footballing mate becomes an ordinary working man with meaning and structure to his life even though he has a bag of tools in his hand rather than a footballer's kitbag. The film is rather wordy and theatrical but I can forgive that. It is a three parter that starts in Romania (very plush hotels there!)and then moves forward in time twice. I found the ending satisfying as well as exhilarating. And the actor from Rillington Place, who plays Harry in this film, was just brilliant.
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The Closet can get quite full at times
t-dooley-69-38691623 April 2017
Russell Tovey plays Jason who is with his team mate Ade (Arinze Kene) in a hotel room in Romania on the night before a big game. They spend the night talking of dreams, the chances they may take and horsing around just this side of being overtly homoerotic.

The air is crackling with sexual tension and then the story moves on into the future and that is where it gets very interesting and quite deep. To say more would ruin the plot. Now this is essentially a play in three acts and it could easily be staged. The cast is minimal and that means that everyone has to be on top form and they all are. Tovey has to carry most scenes but he is ably supported by the others involved.

This is a gay based film but it is not a bedroom fest but does feature a fair bit of nakedness but not the Full Monty type either. This is a film for those who like a very human story and have an interest in why so few football professional players have ever come out of the very packed footie closet.
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Much better than some reviews here suggest!
michaeljkillen13 April 2017
I've just watched "The Pass". It was much more rewarding than two other reviews on this site might suggest. I think that they were deliberately posted by homophobes in order to diminish the attractiveness of this movie. To confirm my view, I'd just suggest that you consider the "External Reviews" on this site. All of the English reviews are overwhelmingly positive, which makes me think that there are some people out there who try, very deliberately, to denigrate or otherwise diminish the quality of any gay themed movies.

Now, to the movie itself. It's a tale of two young footballers, one black and the other white. While they feel a certain attraction to one and other, it is only in their later lives that they are able to come to terms with it. I think it to be a really good movie with interesting messages.

Just how beautiful is "The Beautiful Game"? Only you can determine that. But I thought this to be a good and thoughtful movie. Russell Tovey was believable, handsome, beautiful and excellent in his role, as was his counter-part, Arinzé Kene. Two good-looking men. They are just surprised when they are attracted to one and other.

I give the movie 8/10 for its honesty in examining relationships between men. It's a subject which is not often covered in the movies.

If you choose to watch it, then I trust that you will enjoy it.
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Really nuanced and good movie
sanyukeli12 July 2017
I really enjoyed the movie and the acting was great. The way it portrayed the range of emotions in the different relationships were very poignant and authentic. Russell Tovey was amazing and gave a layered performance. Arinze Kene should definitely be given more roles in the future. I hope UK cinema realizes what they have before he is forced to go to the US for work.
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Deep Psychological and Reflective Movie
wflanders-844-3153052 November 2017
The 4 actors in this movie are better than a lot of those main stream actors praised by the media. The plot is so meaningful that reflects the lives o at least 3 of the best football players in our generation, because if they come out, they are done. The movie is not "claustrophobic", the rooms reflect how they have to live their intimate life, in a box. But for the unsophisticated "revivers", most likely either homophobic or the type who can only post negative views - reflecting what they feel inside - did not get the main message of the movie: Power - Shame - Insecurity Societal and Professional Homophobic rules -and bad choices that can all lead to deep unhappiness and misery.

Great movie, great actors, great story but sad and reflective of how unfair life can be.
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Very stagey.
Otkon8 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I simply don't agree with its tone either.

It is very talky. And that dialogue is quite thin. Nothing peppy, literary, metaphorically interesting. A lot of wasted words that reveal every little.

There are five characters in the whole thing. And only the two bellboys held my sympathy. The main cast is somewhat annoying, and 66% of them have clothing allergies apparently.

And the part where it tries to veer into Albee 'fun-and-games' territory with Harry and the bucket....that was deplorable, if not criminal, for its stereotypical portrayal of predatory behavior of repressed men. Why should Jason's tears mean anything to the viewer after that?

Not a fan.
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A thoroughly unpleasant treatment of a serious subject
MOscarbradley20 November 2016
"The Pass" has the distinction of being the first British film to devote itself entirely to the subject of homosexuality in Premiere League Football. It's a subject crying out to be tackled, (no pun intended), but this depressingly one note treatment isn't the way to do it. It's based on a play, first performed at the Royal Court a couple of years back, and it shows. Divided into 3 short acts over a ten year period, it's the story of Jason, a deeply closeted footballer who tries to hide his homosexuality by marrying, having children and, when the rumors get too much, having a sleazy sex- tape made with a dancer, all the while pinning for Ade, his black footballer buddy who had the courage to pack it in and come out of the closet.

There are moments when the film actually seems to be going somewhere and to be fair to writer John Donnelly it does attempt to show the hypocrisy of what it's like to be gay in the most macho of sports and then be forced to deny it but it's a nasty and unpleasant piece with a central character you can never empathize with. Jason is just the kind of prick you would cross the street to avoid. All credit to Russell Tovey for playing the part so brilliantly but a little more sympathy on the part of the writer could have gone a long way.

As the woman he hires for his sex tape Lisa McGrillis is also excellent and there is a nice cameo from Nico Miralegro as an over eager hotel bellboy. Sadly Arinze Kene as his would-be lover and the only nice character on screen, isn't up to the job; his performance like the film itself feels well below par. This might be how things are but it doesn't make for an entertaining, or even enlightening, evening at the cinema.
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A sensual psychological study in narcissism
hddu10-819-374583 August 2019
"The Pass" is extremely well-thought, well-written and well-acted; an EXTREMELY rare combination for a gay themed film. But times have certainly changed, in that we now have the benefit of openly gay actors (such as Russel Tovey) who don't shy away from such projects, and can apply their experience and skill unhindered. I felt the chemistry between the two characters of Jason and Ade at the beginning of the film was both real and forced...maybe the scenes were shot out of order, but at times I felt they were seriously best mates, and at other times it felt as if they were just playing stereotypical 2-dimensional English soccer players. I can also say this about the Jason character overall; we're supposed to believe he has an irresistible magnetism and charisma, which is why people deal with his narcissism (a very real phenomenon). Yet at the same time, the final scene crossed the barrier of disbelief, in that I can't see the Ade character would have stuck around to "participate" in whatever Jason had going on if he were still infatuated with him. However, I think the ending was a perfect way to express just how it might have brought Ade to make certain decisions in the beginning. All in all, this is one of the highest caliber gay-themed films I have seen (rivals "Brokeback Mountain") and definitely worth watching .
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Russell Tovey is an acting revelation !!
FrankMMueller21 January 2018
"The Pass" is based on a play by John Donnelly, was lately made into a movie by Ben A. Williams and deals with the subject of sports (in this case football) and homosexuality. One should know that before watching the movie. Those who expect explicit sex scenes between excited gay guys are totally wrong here. The film offers the finest of actors cinema, is more of a chamber-like psycho-study and can not muster with action scenes. But if you get involved with the psychology of the characters, the film becomes an experience. The story spans a period of ten years and begins in a hotel room in Romania. Two young footballers, Jason (Russell Tovey) and Ade (Arinze Kene),are really excited the night before their first big Champions League match, make a lot of nonsense and prepare for the match. And suddenly without any warning Jason kisses his mate Ade. This kiss will completely change and determine their relationship and their lives over the next decade. And as the story begins, so it ends, in a hotel room, where the two friends meet again. Director Williams filmed the entire story in just one or two rooms. This sometimes claustrophobic tightness is intended to illustrate how trapped Jason is in his life, from which he can not break out and free himself. Williams tells us with his story that the alleged winner is sometimes the bigger loser. And to the viewer (our society), the director wants to convey that if we were finally ready to accept people as they really are, tragedies like Jason's would be avoidable. The most tragic thing in the end is that Jason does not manage to change his life. Though completely devastated, he does not manage to jump over his shadow and remains lonely. He will live on as before, trapped in his own hell - to the bitter end. On the question of the friend which intent was hidden behind his behavior on the fateful night ten years ago, Jason can only answer incapable: "I don't know". But that is not the truth. We learn what the true intention was when we watch the last scenes of the movie, where is shown what happened after the kiss...(and only then we understand it correctly, because for a few seconds we discover the real Jason and that is deeply touching). Russell Tovey is undoubtedly the unlimited star of the movie, an outstanding actor, but unfortunately completely undervalued internationally. He lives openly gay and deals with this fact in his work for a couple of years. In the UK, he seems to have no major problems with this, but internationally (lets say Hollywood) it is still not trusted that gay men could play heterosexual love scenes. He has often proved how well he is capable of doing so. Unfortunately, big international roles, which would suit him, are not offered to Russell. What a waste of talent ! Russell Tovey is completely absorbed in his role, you can say he lives it out. He has his best scenes towards the end of the film, as the facade of Jason begins to crumble, e.g. when Ade asks him, "Now that you need me, you want me to stay with you?" and Jason answers with a tearfully voice: "You're the last thing I remember of any value", then one feels such a strong intensity and deep honesty that one asks oneself very moved, how one can play this so convincingly. If "The Pass" was not an independent movie and had been produced on a big budget and started in cinemas nationwide with 400 copies and then worldwide, Casey Affleck would probably have lost out at this year's Oscars. As in the film, here we have the proof that the best one is not always the winner and those who earn it are often left out. Encore Russell, encore...
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Chamber Sports-Related Movie With A Closeted Gay and Timeskip.
asatasiman6 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
*WARNING*: This review will contain spoilers. I relatively don't hold back when giving away spoilers. This is also rather lenghty.

So yeah, from the title, you can guess the ending. If a gay movie contains one of the above, they usually have either downer or bittersweet endings. It's kind of pattern I notice when watching this type of movie. Then again, it's because I don't watch much and when I decided to, well...

Back to the review. This movie is divided into three timelines in three different hotel rooms; One night before Jason and Ade's first football match in a team, five years after that, and another five-year skip. The first part is of course filled with interactions from the two boys which end with boundaries crossed with hints that Jason is attracted to Ade before the kiss. The point after this is where their path diverge. Jason go on to become famous football player living in luxury while Ade takes a plumber job. Both have ups and downs, which is revealed when they finally meet ten years later. Ade may not work within the field he had been dreaming of anymore, but he has a stable life. Jason may live in luxury, but he feels nothing but emptiness from a career that demands public image filled majorly with people who suck up to you because you're famous but talk crap behind your backs as demonstrated by the bellboy Harry which cost him his mental health, sense of self (in this case being honest about himself especially his sexuality) and by extension his chances to pursue the one he truly loves, not to mention a knee injury (which ironically may or may not be contributed by a humorous knee-hitting scene at the beginning of the second timeline) and scandals that sooner or later will force him to retire. Jason tries to "mend" his choice by inviting Ade over after years of not returning Ade's "pass." That, having a man who loves him, and Jason's not making a sincere-sounding attempt at trying to rekindle their relationship, cause Ade to unsurprisingly leaves Jason alone, thus making this film's conclusion another case of missing out on true love.

Being a chamber movie with timeskips, there are two possible justifications; This is a low-budget movie, and this is an adaptation from stage play, and it shows. The dialogue can be a bit pretentious for the lack of more appropriate term. The lack of fund prevents them to actually show life outside the hotel room like public's reaction toward their performance in the field which could enhance the basic premise they are trying to sell. As for the ending, one side of me want Ade to see that no matter how Jason has ignored him for years and how horrible he is when they meet again (insulting his ordinary life and failed football career), the alcohol, painkiller addiction, and insomnia clearly show that he needs help even as a friend. The movie could also use another timeskip to see Jason and Ade after this, especially Jason at the lowest point of his life to show how the lifestyle affect those involved, and how they will interact after seeing each other (but that means we wouldn't have been able to use a hotel room anymore if that had happened, right?). On the other hand, however, it is only logical for the movie to end that way.

Gripes with story aside, this is a relatively well-made. We are taking the brunt of reality check that that choices in your life in general have their consequences. In Jason's case, he chose to pursue his career despite his promise to help Ade, and as shown his life is in downward spiral as the movie progresses. During those transitions, Russell Tovey's acting as Jason, which is important in this type of movies especially when it revolves around his character, is very convincing and feels alive it becomes the biggest highlight of this film. Seeing that he reprises the role from its original 2014 play, this is not a surprise. He's also gay too so that's an added advantage.

Bottomline: The chamber and stageplay-adaptation nature of this movie makes the story progression a bit slow, expository, and tedious. The ending may not make most people in the target demographic happy. This movie is watchable nonetheless. I still wish the movie had ended in a more positive note. Now excuse me if I go watching movies with happier ending now.
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One of the best constructed gay dramas out there
yagnich79 January 2019
This movie is an underdog. Great film, but definitely not for everyone. This movie watches easily like a three act play, so expect to watch multidimensional characters being played expertly by Tovey and his fellow actors, 4 actors total throughout the movie. The storyline is well constructed but imaginary, as a lot of it evolves through conversation, so not for you if you expect a lot of action. The story is is real and heart-wrenching.
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Really wanted to like this one ... didn't really
rdoyle2924 January 2023
Russell Tovey and Arinzé Kene are two young football players on the verge of having bigger careers when they share a hotel room the night before a big game. The titular moment happens, and then we see the fallout five and then ten years later in two different hotel rooms.

I was struck by the large disparity between how much I wanted to like this film and how little I really did. It was adapted by John Donnelly from his successful play, and it's one of the most clear "adapted from a play" films I have seen with three equal length acts involving a couple of people standing in small rooms and talking. It's a film where I really liked it's overall arc, but didn't really enjoy much of what it took to get there.

It does have a truly heroic amount of very ripped, shirtless men, so that will add an extra element for many viewers.
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Well acted drama
scottinhawaii-19 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah it's very stagelike because it was adapted from a stage play. But put aside the artifice that each of the three acts at confined to one room, and you have a good story that is well acted with nuance. Yeah it has some moments where things get long, but in the end it works. And sometimes the tone is a bit off for a movie.

The ending may not satisfy many as it reminds us of all the tragic ending gay movies we've seen. And there have been too many. But the tragedy of the closet is real. Even today.
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Better than what I expected
steeleronaldr30 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A dark character study on one man Russell Tovey who is in 99% of the movie and he carries it very good. Sports figures like star's are forced to live in the closet to assure the success they strive for. Told in three sets in a ten year period is well worth the watch. Only four actor's (3 male one female) tell how hiding one's orientation can ruin a man's self-assurance. Here the main character (Tovey) does a great job showing the pitfalls of success and drugs. In the second set it's a bit of a plot twist that's connects to first and third together and does so carefully.

What you don't get is full nudity with somewhat in one scene but for the most they are covered. The story stays on track and is mostly dialogue with little action to keep things from getting too broad. In all it's a better than average UK movie. I gave it 9 out of 10 because I felt it was missing that attention grabber. Russell Tovey is a name to watch as he show's he's got what it takes to carry a movie without losing focus.
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Loved It!
rfieldj8 January 2019
I had a chance to watch The Pass last night on Netflix, and I loved it. It starts out lagging, and you're not totally sure where it's going, or if it's actually going somewhere. But once the story line starts to move it becomes so captivating you can't stop watching. In many ways, it reminded me of a Tennessee Williams play.

It's not a gay romance, and it is somewhat dark at times,but I think it captures everything I've ever heard about closeted gay footballers. I'd recommend it highly.
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What Loving a Narcissist Must Be Like
smooth_op_856 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Jason and Ade are two footballers that share a kiss and a passionate relationship one night. They both wanted it and loved it but Jason acted like he didn't care about Ade the next day. 5 years later they are in a hotel room Jason lives in and relive that moment albeit with a distraction for a brief moment.

Jason was a contender and Ade wasn't. Ade has a life and a man that loves him, still plays football and has a decent life he carved out for himself. Jason represents the what if? that Ade continues to deal with, until he finally walks out on Jason and realizes the What If is simply that. Jason is alone...the only moment he wasn't was when he was with Ade, the one who got away
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Complex acting with a simple little story
shaneoshea-8848313 January 2019
I love how concentrated this film is. The movie even without heavy plot surrounds its focus on just one night that impacted both characters for the rest of the film. What I really was able to appreciate about Russell and Arinze was their ability to add such a nuance to their emotional back-and-fourth conversations. You felt each actor process and think each delicate situation in the film.

This movie didn't need constant emotion and many characters because the focus is on something more detailed and less dramatized. This is the type of film you see as snip-its from an actors day-to-day life rather than a cherry picked group of scenes with dramatic moments that make the viewer always on the edge or emotional. In the mix of dramatic and emotional moments, there are solid moments of lighter dialogue and body language that speak heavily to how the characters are feeling throughout the whole film and that's what sold it for me.
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Too staged.
m20589301 April 2021
This is what happens when you are just trying to meet quotas for the BAFTA nominations. You make a joke of a movie.
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Kirpianuscus29 May 2021
Obvious, a film to remind stories, not to give ones. Nuanced, beautiful acted, proposing challenges for viewer at each step, a film about relations and the essence of characters , not a real lesson but a beautiful return to small details defining many of us. A film of words, confessions, small gestures changing many around and a good moral. Short, pleasant surprise. And surprising job of Russell Tovey.
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It's long, claustrophobic and boring. Ben A Young forgot what is cinema while adapting a play, cinema isn't theatre, it's also images just not lazily filming people talking. The photography is just okay, the mise en scène mediocre. The performances ain't bad, Russel Tovey and Nico Mirallegro are excellent, Arinzé Kene does his best with what he's been given, Lisa McGrillis is at best forgettable. The problem is that the characters are not very well developed. It feels like watching a never-ending short movie, 20 minutes that would feel like 2 hours. There's just not enough material to make a long feature really. The script is not that bad but the dialogues are not terrible, but pretty mediocre, It's meant to be deep, but it's all forgettable, cliché and trying hard to shock but it's just manage to be tiring. That film felt like watching paint drying then peeling.
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