Man Up Campaign – Global Movement Builder
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Man Up Campaign

Man Up is a global campaign to activate youth to stop violence against women and girls.

Join our youth leaders and become a champion ending-gender based violence in your community and the world.

Our Sustainable Development Goals

Take on The Real Challenge of accomplishing the SDGs by 2030 with the Man Up Campaign.

Quality Education

Quality Education

Goal 4
Gender Equality

Gender Equality

Goal 5
Clean Water and Sanitation

Clean Water and Sanitation

Goal 6
Decent Work

Decent Work

Goal 8
Climate Action

Climate Action

Goal 13

The Man Up Campaign and its Global Movement

Announced at the Clinton Global Initiative in September 2009 in collaboration with Vital Voices Global Partnership, Man Up is a global campaign to activate youth to stop violence against women and girls.

Our call to action challenges each of us to “man up” and declare that violence against women and girls must end.

By convening our youth delegates in summits and conferences, and in forming chapters. These youth champions are engaging their peers to bring gender equality and inclusiveness to their own communities.

In order to break the cycle of trauma unabated violence against women and girls bestows on individuals, families, communities, and societies, Man Up Campaign was created to give young people a voice in developing models of change that truly address this issue.
These are also ways we experience life, transmit and share culture. More importantly, messages about gender, societal expectations, and our identities are passed down to us in these and other forms.

The Man Up Campaign is partnering with young men and women around the world by providing training, resources, and support to youth-informed initiatives.
Since our Inaugural Man Up Campaign Summit at the World Cup 2010 Man Up Campaign we have been activating and inspiring youth leaders and supporting them and encouraging them in their further education on gender and innovating tools to engage their concern and passion.

They gather to launch their grassroots projects they take the next step in their community by building equity, inclusion, and opportunity as the foundation to address the causes of gender-based violence which and lay a foundation to end gender-based. We are proud of their impact reaching hundreds of thousands through their projects to end gender-based violence. We look forward to partnering with you to create regional and national summits.
A leadership-developed manual on how to take on gender-based violence through designing and implementing a project with a team composed of both youth of mixed gender focusing Sustainable Development Goals especially goal five gender equality through youth and gender lens and personal development through one's Champions Journey.
Man Up Campaign actively participated in meetings on creating the SDGs since Rio+20 and since their creation participated in the UNGA, HLPF in collaboration with the Major Groups: The Major Group of NGOs, Major Group on Youth & Adolescents, Major Group on Women, to bringing the youth and gender lens to bear the implementation and review of the goals.
The Journey

What we stand for

Ending Gender Based Violence

Domestic/Family Abuse and Violence is a devastating failure in the structure of our society that can no longer be ignored. Man Up Campaign calls for global action to address the horrible consequences of the Shadow Pandemic and to End Domestic / Family Violence once and for all.

Ending Domestic Violence

Man Up Campaign is a leading Organization in Ending Gender- Based Violence, our actions are directed towards the empowerment of individuals to take on gender equality and the SDGs as a life journey, owning their responsibility in the eradication of all types of violence along with the implementation of peace culture education.

Global Climate Action

Climate change is undeniable and we must take immediate action to shift our path as a global society. We believe that change is possible through redefining our relationship with Earth by educating and encouraging innovation to foster climate action and make change happen now.

The Man Up Campaign and its Global Movement

By convening our youth delegates in summits and conferences, and in forming chapters. These youth champions are engaging their peers to bring gender equality and inclusiveness to their own communities.

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Global by the numbers

The Man Up Campaign brought together a prestigious team of delegates from 24 countries (along with artists, athletes, technologists, researchers, and activists) to launch the campaign at an inaugural Young Leaders Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa during the 2010 FIFA World Cup.


Youth leaders






Our Tools And Programs

Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines, values distinction in detail and gives careful

Gender Equality Workshops for education sector

Raise Gender Equality Awareness

Corporate Workshops

Community Platform

What our people say

Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines, values distinction in detail and gives careful

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John Doe

Work with us

Great things are never done by one. They're done by a team of people.

The Man Up Campaign US Inc. NGO with Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

A New York State Non-Profit Corporation IRC 501(c(3) Public Charity

Charity Number: 45-4192753

Need help?

Email us on

Mailing address

18 Cresent Avenue
Jersey City
NJ 07302
United States

© 2021, Man Up Campaign US Inc. Made with passion by our Designers | Become a Volunteer

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