
  • Jason Segel left LA for a fresh start after How I Met Your Mother ended, casting nostalgia on his time with co-star Alyson Hannigan.
  • Despite not being romantic, the deep friendship between Hannigan and Segel from the show had a major impact on her off-camera life.
  • Hannigan credited her role on the show in improving her real-life marriage, emphasizing the importance of friendship and love in relationships.

The How I Met Your Mother cast made some big changes when the show came to an end. Take Jason Segel. The actor left LA and moved completely off the map. As for Alyson Hannigan, she had major plans of her own, but as we'll reveal later, those plans were ultimately nixed.

Although kissing Jason Segel wasn't romantic for Alyson Hannigan, the two had a great connection behind the camera. The closeness between the two was displayed on The Talk alongside Sharon Osbourne. A particular question from the host froze Hannigan, who broke down in tears. We'll reveal how the moment played out, and what Jason Segel had to say about his co-star.

In addition, we'll reveal how Hannigan's relationship in How I Met Your Mother improved her own marriage off camera.

Let's take a closer look.

Neil Patrick Harris Admitted He Didn't Want To Be Paid The Same As The How I Met Your Mother Cast
The "How I Met Your Mother" star told Howard Stern that he didn't believe the entire cast deserved to be paid the same amount.

Alyson Hannigan Broke Down When Asked What She Would Miss Most About Jason Segel

The How I Met Your Mother cast worked together for nearly a decade. The show lasted nine seasons and, in truth, could've continued for extra seasons, as years later it is still being binge-watched by fans. The chemistry between Lily and Marshall was a big reason for the show's success. Off-camera, Alyson Hannigan and Jason Segel also developed a close friendship. Seeing that chemistry get cut was a hard reality for Hannigan.

While promoting the series finale over a decade ago on The Talk, Hannigan broke down when asked by Sharon Osbourne what she'd miss most about Segel.

“He’s just such a wonderful guy. I’m getting all..." she said before taking a pause. Hannigan continues, "I’m not gonna miss him. I’m not good at answering this question at all."

Hannigan was embarrassed that she was crying on a daytime talk show, while Osbourne was embracing the moment.

Segel was also visibly emotional in the background, while his co-star really couldn't find the words to express what he meant to her for all those years.

What Happened To Cobie Smulders And Cristin Milioti After How I Met Your Mother?
Cobie Smulders And Cristin Milioti have kept busy since How I Met Your Mother came to an end.

Fans adored the moment as it showed just how close the cast really was behind the scenes after all those years.

Jason Segel Gave A Great Response When Asked The Same Question

Right after Hannigan's emotional moment, Jason Segel was able to give his own answer on what he would miss the most from his co-star. Segel said that Hannigan was always there for him behind the scenes, especially when he was going through personal struggles. The actress was always there to give him good advice.

Jason Segel and Alyson Hannigan
via CBS

Segel revealed, “Aly taught me a lot about how to be a man, I gotta say. I was 25 when I took the show. I think we’ve all been through a lot personally. Aly and I have a lot of scenes together, spend a lot of time together, and she’s always been there to listen to me and give me advice. [She] saw me through hard times and good times.”

This Is How The How I Met Your Mother Cast Truly Feels About Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris famously had close relationships with the crew of How I Met Your Mother, but have things changed since the show ended?

In a separate interview, Hannigan admitted the same to her co-star. Hannigan felt like her marriage on How I Met Your Mother helped her real life marriage. Hannigan has been married to actor Alexis Denisof since 2003, even before the show started.

Alyson Hannigan Admits Her Marriage On How I Met Your Mother Helped Her Real-Life Marriage As Well

Back in 2014, Hannigan spoke to Time about the series finale. Among the topics of conversation included how Marshall and Lily's relationship changed her own marriage in real-life.

Hannigan revealed, "My husband came first so I don’t know which one has taught me what, but I definitely think they helped one another. Just being your best friend, each others’ best friends, is what has worked for us and is what is most important. If you’re going to spend that much time with somebody, you want to be friends. That’s what I held dear to my heart with both relationships. I want to like you and love you. That makes everything greater."

Marshall, Ted, Robin and Lily raising their hands on How I Met Your Mother
via CBS

At the time, Hannigan said she was dealing with the show ending thanks to More Time With Family. Hannigan was hopeful for the project at the time, "I love television and it’s been fantastic to me and the best writing right now is on television. I love the family aspect of these long-running shows that I’ve been so lucky to be a part of. I knew that that’s what I wanted to stay in. But coming off of nine years, I wasn’t going to do something unless I absolutely fell in love with it."

She continues, "I was thinking that’d be down the road, and then I read this script. In a way it’s helped me with the closure of How I Met Your Mother, because I have something that I’m so very much looking forward to. Hopefully it won’t be the rebound relationship. Hopefully it’ll be the marriage after the really good long relationship.

Sadly for Hannigan, despite the hype of the project, it was never picked up by a network. With a net worth of $40 million, the actress is doing more than okay despite the show ending.