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�ѨϪ����\ �w�w �ũ��� Climbing up to Jiaming Lake
��������u�R�ɡv�����_ The Juicy Story behind Taiwan��s Favorite Jelly
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�ѨϪ����\ �w�w �ũ��� Climbing up to Jiaming Lake
SEP.28,2020��Lauren McCarthy

�ѨϪ����\ �w�w �ũ��� Climbing up to Jiaming Lake

Hikers on the Jiaming Lake Trail in Taiwan��s Central Mountain Range? are rewarded with a rare site high in the mountains. As the name suggests, the main feature of this hike is the stunning Jiaming Lake, one of the largest alpine? lakes on the island. Though it is primarily referred to as Jiaming or Chiaming Lake, this lake has many other names. In the aboriginal? Bunun language, the name of the lake translates as ��Mirror of the moon.�� Other descriptors? include ��Angel��s teardrop�� or ��God��s lost sapphire?.��

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��������u�R�ɡv�����_ The Juicy Story behind Taiwan��s Favorite Jelly
SEP.25,2020��Enjoy Editors

��������u�R�ɡv�����_ The Juicy Story behind Taiwan’s Favorite Jelly

Taiwan is filled with tea shops that offer bubble tea and other tasty drinks. In the hot days of summer, nothing cools you down like a dessert drink that is made with Aiyu jelly. It��s slimier�� than other jellies and has a very pleasant and tender taste.


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