The Last Days Of Japan | Armstrong Economics Skip to content

The Last Days of Japan

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The Last Days of Japan 2

We have been forecasting for several years now that those who have been focused on the demise of the dollar to the exclusion of everything else would be wrong because of what must fall first is both Europe and Japan. It is an all-out race to see who will be the first to collapse.

This special report on Japan is very critical for it provides a view of Asia v Europe. This is the prelude to the fall of socialism in the West. Communism collapsed in 1989. Now 34 years later, it is just our turn. It does not mean the end of the world. It simply means the end of the present monetary system as we have known it.

The Report covers the Japanese Yen spot and futures, the Nikkei 225 Cash Index, and the Japanese JGB Futures.

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