List Of 100 Best Truth Or Dare Questions To Play Over Text - Be Wise Professor

List Of 100 Best Truth Or Dare Questions To Play Over Text

What comes to your mind when you recall the old Truth or Dare game? It is fun, but it is definitely not for the awkward preteen stage anymore.

We need to spark a little fire in our lives. Why not bring back this game to text? It is easy to play and can be done one-on-one or in a group. Each person takes a turn asking the other, “Truth or Dare?” You can ask the person, or Dare him/her, whatever you want! They must complete the dare or answer the question correctly; otherwise, they will be removed from the chat group. You’re stuck on what to say?

In your next group chat, you can text these truths, challenges, and mouth-watering dares to your friends.


Truth or Dare on the Phone

  1. What’s the most embarrassing thing that you have ever done?
  2. What’s the most childish thing you have done since you were thirteen?
  3. What are your current crushes?
  4. How many people do you know that you have kissed, slept, or sexified with?
  5. Tell me about a time when you were rejected and describe it in detail for at least 5 minutes!
  6. What’s the worst thing you ever did to someone?
  7. Did you ever poop yourself as a teenager or adult
  8. What’s something you did that was illegal?
  9. What’s the most disgusting thing you have ever seen someone else do?
  10. Tell me one thing you dislike about me.
  11. What is the name of a person you pretend to like but don’t?
  12. What is the one person you want to have in your life right now?
  13. Do you consider yourself to be more or less attractive than most people you know and love?
  14. When did you feel embarrassed for someone else?
  15. Have you ever taken something from a parent or someone else?
  16. When did you stop using a nightlight?
  17. What’s the silliest fear you have?
  18. Do you believe in Ghosts?
  19. Have you ever been stopped by the police?
  20. Have you ever caught a catfish? What would happen if you did? If not, do you want to?
  21. Have you been catfished? What happened to you, and how did it happen?
  22. What’s something you regret doing today that you did years ago?
  23. Have you ever heard of your parents having a sexual relationship?
  24. What’s the most naughty thing you have ever done?
  25. What is one gross habit that you never wanted anyone to know about?
  26. Have you ever been inside a police vehicle? If so, what was the reason for your experience?
  27. What do you hate about your partner or best friend?
  28. Have you ever hacked someone’s social media account to read their messages or posts?
  29. Have you ever stalked or crept someone on social media?
  30. What was the reason for your most disgusting kiss?
  31. Who would you choose to date if you were forced to?
  32. Tell me about the time you cried or pretended regret to avoid trouble.
  33. What’s the biggest lie you have ever told, and to whom?
  34. Which of your friends do you find the least attractive?
  35. What would you do if forced to hook up with a family member?


Text questions with good truth-or-dare answers

  1. You dare to order $10 worth of food from me for delivery.
  2. Please send me a picture of your shaved arms.
  3. Upload it to YouTube.
  4. Mix one drop of each condiment in your home and drink/eat the mixture.
  5. Take a screenshot of a message you send to someone who hasn’t spoken to you in the last year.
  6. Try to lick yourself!
  7. Make a three-way joke call so that I can hear it.
  8. You can text your crush to invite them out on a date.
  9. Fill the bath with water and enter wearing your current clothes.
  10. Choose the third contact on your list and send them a funny poem.
  11. Sing a song loudly and open all of your windows.
  12. Cut off a small piece of hair.
  13. Please send me a video of you shaking ice cubes from your pants.
  14. Post a video on social media of you doing crazy dancing.
  15. You can ask your neighbor for fifty cents.
  16. Even when people are around, walk around the block talking to yourself.
  17. Eat or drink a teaspoonful of soap.
  18. Close your eyes, reach into the fridge or pantry, and grab whatever you find.
  19. Please send me an image of your last message to someone other than me.
  20. Please send me a picture of you brushing your teeth with peanuts or any other condiment.
  21. Please make a picture that is not flattering to your face and use it as your profile photo for a full day.
  22. Please send me a screenshot of your selfie gallery.
  23. You can watch the five-minute adult movies that I will send to you.
  24. Dance wildly before your largest window until you see someone walking past.
  25. Write “I see dead persons” and text a random number.
  26. Send a random selfie to a number.
  27. Shave an area of your body that you don’t usually shave.
  28. Please send me a video of you pretending to be a cat.
  29. Find the spiciest item in your home and eat a spoonful.
  30. Create a video showing you doing your strangest habit!
  31. Wear clothes that are the opposite of s*x. Then, take a video where you try to act as a girl/guy.
  32. Make a five-minute, terrible make-up tutorial. Please post it on YouTube.
  33. Ask for the most minor change possible for five dollars at the nearest store.
  34. Please wait until you see a dog walking past your home and then bark at it.
  35. Knock at someone’s door and then try to get away before they answer.