Bull Season 1 Episode 3 - TV Fanatic
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Bull offers to help a woman, Reese, arrested for killing an athlete, Mike, that she accused of sexually assaulting her. He tells her he believes she's innocent. 

The prosecutor on the case, Amanda, is an ex of Benny's.

Bull wants to sequester the jury to keep them from listening to the podcast against Reese's case. He wants to dismantle the reporter of the podcast by having her arrested for not releasing her files to the court.  

Reese has a panic attack and Bull helps her through it. 

The team discovers that another Jane Doe filed a complaint against Mike too. 

Mike's girlfriend is on the stand and Benny asks if she's the Jane Doe who filed the complaint. She admits she was, but dropped it a week later. 

Benny asks his friend on the stand if they ever used performance enhancing drugs. He pleads the fifth. 

Bull convinces the reporter to release her files to the court, with information suggesting other possible suspects. 

Ellen, the reporter, ends up pushed off a building to her death. 

Bull wants to put Reese on the stand. He coaches her, and she does an excellent job on the stand. 

The jury finds Reese not guilty. 

Amanda lets them know that the coach had motive to kill Mike and Ellen to keep the steroid use quiet. 




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Bull Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Marissa: You're the Jerry Maguire of the American judicial system.
Benny: Yeah, I guess I thought Amanda was going to be my Renee Zellweger.

Marissa: How much time you think we've bought?
Bull: As long as Ellen's integrity will hold up against the county jail food...two days max.