Theodora, Princess of Greece and Denmark (1983)

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Theodora, Princess of Greece and Denmark (1983) Gender: F
born on 9 June 1983 at 06:00 (= 06:00 AM )
Place London, England, 51n30, 0w10
Timezone BST h1e (is daylight saving time)
Data source
Accuracy in question
Rodden Rating C
Collector: Scholfield
Astrology data s_su.18.gif s_gemcol.18.gif 17°49' s_mo.18.gif s_taucol.18.gif 21°28 Asc.s_cancol.18.gif 04°21'

Princess of Greece and Denmark (1983) Theodora (2012)
photo: Alex Black, license cc-by-3.0


British actress and member of the Greek and Danish royal families, also known under her stage name Theodora Greece. She made her television debut as secretary Alison Montgomery in the long-running soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful on 5 December 2011.

She is the younger daughter and fourth of the five children of the deposed Greek King Constantine II (1940–2023) and Princess Anne-Marie of Denmark. Her godparents were Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark (her maternal aunt), King Michael I of Romania and Alexander, Crown Prince of Yugoslavia.

On 16 November 2018, it was announced that Princess Theodora was engaged to Los Angeles-based attorney Matthew Jeremiah Kumar (born on 15 December 1983 in Ventura County, California). The wedding was due to take place in Spetses in May 2020, but was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Link to Wikipedia biography


Source Notes

Sy Scholfield quotes from the Evening Standard (London, England), 9 June 1983, page 6:

"Happiness this morning for ex-king Constantine of Greece. His wife, Queen Anne-Marie, gave birth to a baby girl in the Lindo Wing of St. Mary's Hospital in Paddington."

A birth time of 6 AM is speculative.


  • Family : Childhood : Advantaged
  • Family : Childhood : Family noted (Royalty)
  • Family : Childhood : Order of birth (Fourth of five)
  • Lifestyle : Home : Expatriate (Lived in Australia, USA)
  • Vocation : Entertainment : Actor/ Actress