Manchester's Best Homeware And Design Shops

Manchester's Best Homeware and Design Shops

Rose & Grey
Rose & Grey | © Lee Garland / Rose & Grey
Emma Lavelle

Manchester is known for its creativity, so it’s not really a surprise that both the city centre and its suburbs are home to a diverse collection of stores selling styling homeware and design-led gifts. Whether you’re looking for cute greetings cards, fragrant candles, a set of dinner plates or even a luxurious velvet sofa – these shops have you covered.

Fig & Sparrow

The creative hub of the Northern Quarter makes the perfect home for Fig & Sparrow, a favourite local coffee shop that also stocks a small selection of design-led products. You’ll find everything from organic soap to wooden salad servers in their tiny shop area, making this the perfect pit-stop for any last minute gift shopping. They also offer a sizable selection of cute cards and printed gift wrap, providing the whole package for shopping for a pal’s birthday.

Rose & Grey

Located just outside Manchester in the thriving suburb of Altrincham, Rose & Grey is an interior lover’s heaven filled with everything from mid-century chairs, to elegant lighting. If you’re looking to splurge on a piece of beautiful furniture, this is the place to head to discover beautifully crafted statement pieces that you won’t find elsewhere in the city, such as vibrant mustard velvet sofas or glass coffee tables. If you’re searching for something smaller, they also stock a diverse range of home accessories including rugs, prints and kitchenware.


Owned by the sister of the owner of Rose & Grey (an eye for interiors obviously runs in the family!), Idaho is located in the heart of Altrincham, right next to the famous market. Head here to discover the perfect gifts for your family or friends, but be prepared to spend a little money on yourself as you’ll most certainly get sucked in by the store’s captivating collection of jewellery, candles, organic skincare products and stationary.


This Scandi-inspired store situated in the leafy suburb of Chorlton stocks an impressive homeware collection alongside their men’s and women’s wear lines. It’s hard to step foot inside Object without making a purchase as there’re plenty of affordable plant pots, candles and magazines for sale alongside a regularly updated selection of on-trend trailing plants and succulents. Those with a bit more money to burn will be tempted by the linen dresses, tailored men’s shirts and vibrantly printed wool blankets.


If your taste is a little more minimalist, Moth in West Didsbury curate a collection of homeware perfectly tailored towards a Scandinavian-inspired home. You’ll mainly find smaller home accessories with an emphasis on beautifully crafted tableware, elegant plant pots and textured cushions. There’s also a small selection of jewellery, watches and other accessories that would all make excellent gifts.


Putting north Manchester on the design map, Nonsense is a family-run concept store with a focus on stocking design-led product from all around the world. The diverse product offering includes everything from canvas bags to wire fruit bowls, offering items that you’ll struggle to find elsewhere around the city. They also stock an impressive collection of plants and run a small coffee shop inside the store, making the trip out to Bury more than worth your while.

Form Lifestyle Store

This new addition to the Northern Quarter champions independent brands from around the UK, carefully curating a collection with a focus on design, function and simplicity. Stocking their own macrame designs alongside ceramics, stationery, textiles and candles, this is the perfect place to head when searching for a unique gift or a little treat for your own home. The store itself is as beautifully designed as the products featuring a dramatic spiral staircase, an abundance of plants and a skylight that floods the space with natural light – perfect for their regular workshops hosted upstairs.

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