About MIXI | MIXI, Inc.

MIXI, Inc.


Connection with meaning.

Rather than merely providing efficient means to connect people, MIXI aims to inspire deeper, richer connections through the sharing of joy, excitement, and warmth.
The new MIXI will continue to create places and opportunities for meaningful connection, bringing delight and wonder to the world through authentic emotions and vibrant communication.


Enriching communication and inspiring moments of joy.

Since our founding, we have maintained this singular purpose and we intend to deepen our commitment to it moving forward.
Rather than focus on increasing the quantity and frequency of communication, we strive to promote deep and meaningful connection. Through this endeavor, we believe we can inspire the creation of more moments of joy in the world.


To provide space and opportunity for truly meaningful connections.

Simply connecting people is not enough to fulfill our purpose. We must enable the building of deep emotional ties.
We achieve this by providing both fun and exciting content that inspires communication, as well as the space and opportunity to connect meaningfully with friends and family around the world.


User surprise first.

To accomplish our mission, we will continue to focus on user surprise above all else.
Before prioritizing a user-first approach, marketing concerns, or even our own interests, we start with the question, “Would this be a pleasant surprise?”
This consideration applies to everything from production to management-level decisions.


  • Innovation

    Be bold. Forge a new path and shatter expectations.

  • Passion

    Start from the heart. Share aspirations and grow together.

  • Integrity

    Stay sincere. Be honest with yourself and others.


President and Representative Director Koki Kimura

We remain committed to communication.

In 2022, we revamped our corporate branding and redefined our corporate philosophy, including our Purpose: “Enriching communication and inspiring moments of joy.” 

Our strength lies in our focus on communication and the ways in which we differentiate ourselves in this space.

It may even seem that we are over-specializing in this regard. However, this commitment is precisely what has enabled us to achieve growth not only in social networking services, but also in different areas with services such as Monster Strike and FamilyAlbum.

We believe that by focusing on communication in all areas, we are able to provide services that customers actively choose, support, and share. Furthermore, we also strongly believe that this is how we can be a company that helps address social issues such as loneliness and isolation.

We will accelerate growth through synergistic investments and mergers and acquisitions in our core business segments. Also, we will strengthen our efforts to become major players on the global stage in each area.

MIXI will continue providing opportunities for communication that connects people’s hearts and inspires moments of joy all over the world.

June 2023
President and CEO Koki Kimura


Guidline Image
We have established the MIXI Group Business Conduct Guidelines as a common guideline that all of us working in MIXI Group must adhere to.