Interview with director of The Wipers Times, Andy De Emmony - Media Centre

Interview with director of The Wipers Times, Andy De Emmony

Interview with Director of The Wipers Times, Andy De Emmony.

There was a scene we shot in the trenches which opitimised it for me. I remember reading an account Roberts wrote, of reading page proofs for the Times in the trench just before they’re going over and literally they were finishing that, couple of jokes and off."
— Andy De Emmony, Director, The Wipers Times

How early did you come on board with the project?

I just heard through my agent that it was coming my way and I think it had only been commissioned a few weeks previously. I sort of knew Ian and Nick from years ago and they felt it was in my territory.

Getting the cast together… they all seem to be ideally suited?

Yes, when I first read it, I read Ben and Julian for the two leads, both of whom I’d worked with before. There was a little bit of debate as they were a little bit older than the characters as written. But I knew they each had the right sensibilities for this, so luckily I managed to get them both to agree to do it.  And on a project that’s quite small scale like this, knowing people and friends and all of that helps pull it together. I’m really pleased with the casting, they’re all our first choice.

They all work really well together.

And really close to the real men behind it as well. Roberts is a very heroic alpha male with a sort of dry wit and Pearson is more a laconic foil to that so I think they sit very well. On set they play in character very well.

The script really gets you into the story from the very beginning doesn’t it?

There was a scene we shot in the trenches which opitimised it for me. I remember reading an account Roberts wrote, of reading page proofs for the Times in the trench just before they’re going over and literally they were finishing that, couple of jokes and off. It’s that sort of bravery and humour in the face of those sort of moments that I think is very kind of British as well, very nice.