Thieves Quartet | Cow Lamp Films
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Thieves Quartet

Jimmy Fuqua, a good yet fallible man, is an ex-con who has found going straight not easy. When a former cell mate, aging hippy Art Bledsoe, approaches him with a plan to kidnap the daughter of a financial titan, Jimmy accepts and joins the two other members of the quartet: Mike Quinn, a sadistic cop and Jessica Sutter, Bledsoe’s alluring street-smart girlfriend. Bledsoe’s ingenious scheme works as planned, but basic human nature, in the form of greed, rips them apart. Thieves Quartet is a crime picture with noir underpinnings, examining class and race in 1990’s America.

Directed by: Joe Chappelle

Starring:  Phillip Van Lear, Joe Guastaferro, Michele Cole, James "Ike" Eichling


MystFest 1995

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