How to Set Custom Resolution in Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide - Support Your Tech

How to Set Custom Resolution in Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide

Setting a custom resolution on Windows 11 allows you to optimize your display for your specific needs, whether it’s for gaming, productivity, or visual comfort. By following a few straightforward steps, you can easily adjust your screen resolution to your preferred settings.

Setting Custom Resolution in Windows 11

Let’s walk through the process of setting a custom resolution on Windows 11. This guide will ensure your monitor displays exactly what you want.

Step 1: Open Settings

First, press the Windows key and the ‘I’ key simultaneously to open the Settings menu.

Opening the Settings menu is the gateway to all your system configurations. It’s the control center of your computer where you can tweak almost anything.

Step 2: Navigate to System

In the Settings window, click on ‘System’ from the left side menu.

The ‘System’ tab houses all settings related to display, sound, notifications, and power. It’s where the magic happens for screen adjustments.

Step 3: Select Display

Under ‘System’, click on ‘Display’ to access display settings.

Here, you’ll find all options related to your screen configuration, from brightness and color to resolution and orientation.

Step 4: Scroll Down to Advanced Display Settings

Scroll down until you see ‘Advanced display settings’ and click on it.

Advanced display settings offer more detailed options for your display, including refresh rate and custom resolutions.

Step 5: Choose Display Adapter Properties

Click on ‘Display adapter properties for Display 1’ (or the relevant display if you have multiple monitors).

This will open a new window that provides detailed information about your display adapter and allows for deeper customization.

Step 6: Open List All Modes

In the new window, click on the ‘Adapter’ tab, then click on ‘List All Modes’.

‘List All Modes’ shows all the available resolutions and refresh rates that your display adapter can support.

Step 7: Select Your Custom Resolution

Choose your desired resolution and refresh rate from the list, then click ‘OK’.

If your custom resolution isn’t listed, you may need to use third-party software like CRU (Custom Resolution Utility) to add it manually.

Step 8: Apply and Confirm

Click ‘Apply’, and then confirm the resolution change by clicking ‘Keep changes’.

This final step ensures that the new resolution is applied and that you’re happy with how it looks.

After completing these steps, your screen will adjust to the new resolution, providing a better viewing experience tailored to your needs.

Tips for Setting Custom Resolution in Windows 11

  • Ensure your graphics card drivers are up to date to avoid compatibility issues.
  • Use the recommended resolution for the best display quality if you’re unsure.
  • Higher resolutions can impact performance, especially in gaming.
  • Custom resolutions can sometimes cause display issues; always verify stability.
  • If you make a mistake, Windows 11 will revert to the original resolution after 15 seconds if no action is taken.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I revert to the original resolution?

If the custom resolution causes issues, you can revert by going back to ‘Advanced display settings’ and selecting a different mode.

Can I set different resolutions for multiple monitors?

Yes, you can set custom resolutions individually for each connected monitor.

Why is my desired resolution not listed?

Your monitor or graphics card may not support that resolution. Check the specifications of your hardware.

Is setting a custom resolution safe?

Generally, yes, but using a resolution not supported by your monitor can cause display issues. Always check compatibility.

What if my display goes black after changing the resolution?

Wait 15 seconds, and Windows will revert to the previous resolution automatically if no changes are confirmed.

Summary of Steps

  1. Open Settings
  2. Navigate to System
  3. Select Display
  4. Scroll Down to Advanced Display Settings
  5. Choose Display Adapter Properties
  6. Open List All Modes
  7. Select Your Custom Resolution
  8. Apply and Confirm


Adjusting the resolution to your liking on Windows 11 is like finding the perfect balance in a see-saw. It’s all about making your visual experience as comfortable and efficient as possible. Whether you’re setting a custom resolution to get an edge in gaming or simply to make your workspace more ergonomic, the steps outlined above will guide you smoothly through the process.

Remember, the goal is to make your screen work better for you. If you find that the new settings aren’t quite right, you can always go back and tweak them further. Technology offers us the flexibility to personalize our experiences, and knowing how to set a custom resolution on Windows 11 is a fantastic way to take advantage of that.

So go ahead and experiment with your display settings – after all, your eyes deserve the best view possible. Happy customizing!

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