In Memory — Hans Diehl

In Memory — Hans Diehl, DrHSc, MPH, FACN


It is with profound sadness that we announce that Dr. Hans Diehl peacefully passed away at Loma Linda University Medical Center on August 2, 2023, due to an AFib-related stroke. Hans was passionate about loving people and healthy living and leaves behind a legacy that has forever transformed the way we approach health and wellness. His love for life and willingness to serve others will live on through each of us by his example.

No public memorial service will be held as per Hans’ request to his family. However, your tributes, memories and photos with Hans would be appreciated and treasured and can be emailed to: or mailed to The Diehl Family, PO Box 474, Loma Linda, CA 92354.

A true champion of preventive medicine, Dr. Diehl was the esteemed founder of the Lifestyle Medicine Institute, a renowned institution committed to promoting healthier lifestyles and preventing chronic diseases through evidence-based practices. Throughout his illustrious career, he touched countless lives as a mentor, professor, and researcher, leaving an indelible mark on the medical community and beyond.

Dr. Diehl's dedication to advancing the field of Lifestyle Medicine was evident in his numerous groundbreaking publications, which contributed significantly to our understanding of the vital role lifestyle plays in achieving optimal health. His exceptional insights and pioneering research have inspired generations of healthcare professionals and individuals alike to embrace healthier habits.

Beyond his academic achievements, Dr. Diehl was a gifted author and a captivating speaker, using his eloquence and passion to advocate for transformative change in the way we perceive and manage our well-being. His words resonated with audiences worldwide, encouraging millions to take charge of their health and embark on a journey towards a better, more vibrant life.

Among his many accomplishments, Dr. Diehl was the visionary behind the Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP), a comprehensive lifestyle intervention that has empowered countless individuals to make lasting, positive changes in their health. His compassionate and empathetic approach to patient care earned him the admiration and gratitude of all who crossed his path.

In recognition of his immense contributions, Dr. Diehl was honored as "One of America's 20 Health Superheroes," a fitting tribute to his lifelong commitment to fostering healthier communities. His dedication and achievements were to be further acknowledged with the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, scheduled to be bestowed upon him this November.

Dr. Hans Diehl's departure leaves a void in the medical world, but his legacy will continue to shine brightly through the lives he has touched and the ripple effect of his work. As we mourn his passing, we are reminded of the profound impact he made and the importance of his mission, which lives on in all those who continue to carry the torch of Lifestyle Medicine.

Our thoughts and deepest condolences go out to his family, friends, colleagues, and the countless individuals whose lives were forever changed by his wisdom and compassion. Dr. Hans Diehl's spirit will remain alive in the hearts of all those he inspired, and his legacy will endure as an eternal beacon of hope for healthier, happier lives.

Rest in peace, Dr. Hans Diehl. Your journey on this earth may have ended, but your influence will live on, guiding us towards a healthier, more enlightened future.