42 Facts about the movie The Grifters - Facts.net
Lucia Wallis

Written by Lucia Wallis

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Rottentomatoes.com

The Grifters is a critically acclaimed neo-noir film that has captivated audiences since its release in 1990. Directed by Stephen Frears and based on the novel by Jim Thompson, The Grifters is a gripping tale of con artists and deceit. With its stellar performances, intricate plot, and stylish cinematography, the movie has secured its place as a cult classic in the genre. In this article, we will dive deep into the world of The Grifters and uncover 42 fascinating facts about the film. From behind-the-scenes trivia to the impact it had on the industry, get ready to learn everything you didn’t know about this remarkable movie. So grab your popcorn and prepare to be dazzled by the riveting world of The Grifters!

Key Takeaways:

  • The Grifters is a thrilling movie with award-winning performances, unexpected plot twists, and a captivating film-noir atmosphere that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.
  • The movie delves deep into the world of con artists, exploring complex family dynamics, the art of deception, and the blurred lines between right and wrong, making it a timeless cinematic gem.
Table of Contents

Award-Winning Performances

The Grifters, released in 1990, is known for its outstanding performances by its talented cast, which includes Anjelica Huston, John Cusack, and Annette Bening.

A Stellar Adaptation

The movie is based on the novel “The Grifters” written by Jim Thompson, which was published in 1963.

A Thrilling Crime Drama

The Grifters tells the story of three con artists—Roy, Lilly, and Myra—who get entangled in a dangerous web of deceit and betrayal.

Directorial Brilliance

The film was skillfully directed by Stephen Frears, known for his exceptional storytelling ability.

A Box Office Success

The Grifters was both a critical and commercial success, grossing over $13 million at the box office.

An Oscar-Nominated Performance

Anjelica Huston’s portrayal of the cunning Lilly Dillon earned her an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress in a Leading Role.

An Intense Screenplay

The screenplay for The Grifters, written by Donald E. Westlake, masterfully captures the suspense and intricate plot of the novel.

A Tale of Double-Crossing

The movie delves into the theme of double-crossing, where loyalty and trust become luxuries no one can afford.

A Gritty Noir Atmosphere

The Grifters successfully creates a dark and gritty film-noir atmosphere, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats throughout.

Cinematic Excellence in Every Frame

Cinematographer Oliver Stapleton’s visually stunning work in capturing the essence of the story adds another layer of brilliance to the film.

A Riveting Plot Twist

The movie is full of unexpected plot twists and turns that will leave viewers guessing until the very end.

A Stellar Supporting Cast

Not only do the main characters shine, but the supporting cast, including Pat Hingle and J.T. Walsh, deliver noteworthy performances.

Delicate Family Dynamics

The Grifters explores complex family dynamics and the consequences of deceptions that can tear relationships apart.

A Masterclass in Acting

The performances of Anjelica Huston, John Cusack, and Annette Bening showcase their incredible range and acting prowess.

Gripping Dialogue

The script is filled with memorable and gritty dialogue that adds depth and authenticity to the characters.

A Captivating Score

The film’s score, composed by Elmer Bernstein, complements the suspenseful tone and enhances the overall viewing experience.

Set in the World of Grifting

The Grifters takes audiences into the fascinating world of con artists and the intricate schemes they use to deceive their victims.

The Art of the Long Con

The movie showcases the artistry and cunning strategies employed by grifters to gain the trust of their targets.

A Timeless Cinematic Gem

Even after three decades, The Grifters remains a timeless cinematic gem that continues to captivate audiences.

A Clash of Personal Motives

The central conflict in the movie arises when personal motives clash with professional obligations.

Multiple Layers of Deception

The film’s narrative cleverly weaves multiple layers of deception, leaving viewers questioning the true intentions of the characters.

A Thought-Provoking Ending

The Grifters concludes with a thought-provoking ending that lingers in the minds of viewers long after the credits roll.

Accolades from Critics and Audiences

Both critics and audiences have praised The Grifters for its exceptional storytelling, acting performances, and suspenseful atmosphere.

A Classically True Noir

The Grifters embodies the essence of classic film noir, with its morally ambiguous characters and dark themes.

A Masterful Character Study

The movie delves deep into the psychology of its characters, showcasing the intricacies of their motivations and actions.

The Influence of Jim Thompson

The Grifters pays homage to the late Jim Thompson, one of the most respected authors in crime fiction.

An Exploration of Trust

The movie raises important questions about trust and the devastating impact of betrayals within personal and professional relationships.

A Cinematic Gem of the Early ’90s

The Grifters is a stellar example of the quality films produced during the early 1990s, known for their daring storytelling and superb performances.

An Artful Blend of Genres

The Grifters seamlessly combines elements of crime, drama, and suspense, making it a truly engaging cinematic experience.

Realistic Portrayal of the Con Artist Lifestyle

The movie’s attention to detail ensures a realistic portrayal of the challenges faced by grifters in their pursuit of wealth and survival.

A Memorable Introduction

The opening scene of The Grifters sets the tone for the entire movie, drawing viewers into the intriguing world of deception and manipulation.

A Study in Human Desires

Beneath the surface of schemes and cons, The Grifters explores universal human desires for love, power, and validation.

A Tense Relationship Triangle

The complex dynamics between the three main characters—Roy, Lilly, and Myra—create a palpable tension that fuels the narrative.

An Exciting Chase Sequence

The movie features an adrenaline-pumping chase sequence that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.

A Compelling Study of Morality

The Grifters delves into the blurred lines between right and wrong, posing ethical dilemmas that challenge the characters’ moral compasses.

A Well-Received Cannes Premiere

The movie premiered at the 1990 Cannes Film Festival, where it received critical acclaim and sparked conversations about its exceptional craftsmanship.

An Examination of Redemption

The Grifters examines the possibility of redemption for characters who have led lives built on lies and deceit.

Authentic 1940s Aesthetic

The film’s production design and costumes transport viewers back to the 1940s, effectively immersing them in the era.

A Regretful Mother-Daughter Relationship

The strained relationship between Lilly and her estranged daughter, Myra, forms a significant part of the movie’s emotional core.

A Character-Driven Narrative

The Grifters prioritizes character development, allowing viewers to delve into the complexities and vulnerabilities of each protagonist.

A Suspenseful Climax

The movie builds its climax around a high-stakes con that keeps viewers hooked until the final moments.

A Cult Classic

Since its release, The Grifters has gained a dedicated following, solidifying its status as a cult classic in the crime noir genre.

In conclusion, The Grifters is a must-watch film that combines suspense, exceptional performances, and a captivating narrative to create an unforgettable cinematic experience. With its gripping storyline, brilliant acting, and masterful direction, this crime drama continues to intrigue audiences even after three decades since its release. So, if you haven’t already, make sure to add The Grifters to your movie watchlist!


The Grifters is a compelling movie that has captivated audiences for years with its gripping story, superb performances, and intricate plot twists. It offers an intriguing glimpse into the world of con artists, where nothing is as it seems and trust is a valuable commodity.

The film’s unique blend of suspense, drama, and dark humor keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, while the stellar cast, including John Cusack, Anjelica Huston, and Annette Bening, delivers outstanding performances that bring the complex characters to life.

With its unforgettable story, memorable dialogue, and stylish direction from Stephen Frears, The Grifters has solidified its place as a classic in the crime genre. Whether you’re a fan of noir films, character-driven narratives, or simply enjoy a good plot twist, The Grifters is a must-watch movie that will leave you enthralled until the very end.


1. Is The Grifters based on a true story?

No, The Grifters is not based on a true story. It is actually an adaptation of Jim Thompson’s novel of the same name.

2. Who directed The Grifters?

The Grifters was directed by Stephen Frears, known for his work on films like “Dangerous Liaisons” and “Philomena.

3. When was The Grifters released?

The movie was released in 1990 and quickly gained critical acclaim for its compelling story and outstanding performances.

4. What is the rating of The Grifters?

The Grifters has an R rating due to its adult themes, violence, and strong language.

5. Can I watch The Grifters with my family?

Considering the film’s adult themes and rating, it may not be suitable for younger audiences. It is recommended to check the parental guidance rating and content advisory before watching it with your family.

If you enjoyed learning about The Grifters, why not explore more captivating films and talented actors? Dive into the shadowy world of neo-noir with our article on Croupier, or relive the action-packed thrills of 1990 films like Hard to Kill. For a deeper look at one of The Grifters' stars, check out our fascinating facts about the incomparable Anjelica Huston. Each article offers a unique perspective on the world of cinema, promising an engaging read for any movie enthusiast.

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