See 'The Shining' Twins Now: The Iconic Pair Say They Are 'Naturally Spooky'

The twins from Stanley Kubrick's 1980 film The Shining are opening up about filming the classic horror movie

The iconic twins from Stanley Kubrick's The Shining are all grown up but have retained the aura that made them unforgettable in the 1980 film.

Louise and Lisa Burns were only 12 years old when they were cast to star as a pair of twins that were murdered in the Overlook Hotel and whose ghosts are witnessed by the film's protagonist, 5-year-old Danny (Danny Lloyd).

"We're naturally spooky," the twins told Cosmopolitan. "But we did practice our timing — saying things in unison — and we worked on saying our lines in a hollow, other-worldly kind of way a number of times."

The film focuses on Danny, and his parents Jack (Jack Nicholson) and Wendy Torrance (Shelley Duvall), as Jack is hired as the off-season caretaker of a hotel haunted by ghosts.

The twin girls in their blue dresses in a film still from The Shining.
Warner Bros/Hawk Films/Kobal/Shutterstock
Lisa and Louise Burns who played the twins in the 1980 film, The Shining, in 2019.
Louise and Lisa Burns today. Splash

Based on Stephen King's 1977 novel of the same name, the movie was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress in 2018 and is regarded as one of the most influential horror films of all time.

While the Burns twins brought part of King's horror to life, they told the magazine they weren't scared while filming.

"We saw people in scary makeup, but it always felt more like we were at an elaborate fancy dress party," the two said. "It just wasn't that freaky."

The two may not have been scared, but that didn't mean they were allowed free rein on the set.

"We had to be escorted all the time," they said. "But our parents were never worried or thought that we should stop shooting the film. They were and are very supportive of us."

The Shining may be decades old, but it's still watched by fans annually around Halloween. A sequel to the film, based on another King novel, Doctor Sleep, follows a grown-up Danny as he struggles with the trauma he experienced at the hotel. Starring Ewan McGregor as Danny, Doctor Sleep debuted in theaters on Nov. 8, 2019.