Zhou Dynasty: Achievements & Inventions - Lesson | Study.com
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Zhou Dynasty: Achievements & Inventions

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Instructor Christopher Muscato

Chris has a master's degree in history and teaches at the University of Northern Colorado.

The Zhou Dynasty enjoyed a lengthy reign full of noteworthy achievements and inventions that greatly shaped Eastern civilization. Discover the history of the Zhou Dynasty, its societal structure, and the influential philosophies that emerged there.

It is true that every human society contributes something to the world and to the cultures that come after. However, some societies have more obvious impacts than others. Spanning roughly from 1046 to 256 BCE, th Dynasty was not only one of the first but also the longest-reigning political dynasty in Chinese history. As a result, the Zhou were major players in establishing the foundations of all Eastern civilization, which is a pretty big deal. Just how big a deal were they? That's what we'll be looking at in this lesson.

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  • 0:03 What Was the Zhou Dynasty?
  • 0:38 Zhou Dynasty Society
  • 2:14 Zhou Dynasty Philosophy
  • 5:02 Lesson Summary

The Zhou Dynasty is the second accepted dynasty in Chinese history, and it is seen as being responsible for taking a relatively small state and increasing its size, wealth, and sophistication. The long Zhou period was full of invention and innovation, as more and more Neolithic tribes were brought within its uniform system of social, cultural, and political administration. With more minds working towards solving shared problems, some great ideas came out of the Zhou era.

Many new ideas had to do with agriculture, which increased the available food in China and allowed for the rapid growth of their society. Among the Zhou agricultural innovations were techniques for large-scale irrigation, natural water management, and ox-drawn plows.

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Out of the growth, change, unity, and constant warfare of the Zhou Dynasty came what is possibly the greatest single contribution of the era: philosophy. Chinese thinkers started systematically debating ethics and looked for new ways to promote a moral, ordered, and stable society.

One of the first philosophical concepts to arise during this era came from the Zhou emperors themselves. The Zhou entered Chinese society alongside the Shang Dynasty, but by the 11th century BCE, the Shang had become corrupt. The Shang were the first true Chinese dynasty, so there wasn't a lot of precedent for legitimately overthrowing a divine emperor.

After defeating the Shang, the Zhou emperors introduced the concept of the Mandate of Heaven, which is essentially the divine authority to rule. They argued that their victory proved that the Mandate had passed from the Shang rulers to the Zhou, and that the Zhou would hold it until they became corrupt or immoral themselves. The Mandate of Heaven, and the concept that rulers must maintain authority through moral leadership, became a foundational element of Chinese political philosophy.

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The Zhou Dynasty, which existed around 1046 to 256 BCE, was the second Chinese dynasty and one of the most influential eras in Chinese history, that followed the Shang Dynasty, the first Chinese dynasty. Over this long era, Chinese society developed new agricultural practices, invented coinage, standardized their writing system, and developed iron tools. Society grew quickly in size and complexity, but the Zhou Dynasty was also an era of perpetual warfare. As a result, many foundational elements of Chinese philosophy emerged at this time, trying to create a more stable society.

The Zhou emperors promoted the concept of the Mandate of Heaven, the divine and morally sustained right to rule. Confucius was a Zhou philosopher who established the basis of Chinese political and social moral relationships. Laozi was Confucius' contemporary who established the Chinese spiritual and medicinal doctrine of Taoism. Shang Yang helped establish the political ideology of Legalism, and Mencius expanded Confucian ideology across China. It was a time of change that would influence China, East Asia, and anybody else who's ever used chopsticks, for millennia to come.

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