Independent Senior School Near London | Felsted School


Felsted Senior School / Ages 13-18

Being involved in the education of young people is a real privilege; as is working in an environment like that of Felsted. Why? Because Felsted is a genuinely welcoming place, a community where aspiration is admired and individuality encouraged. We seek to develop young people who are kind, considerate and caring, with respect for themselves, and respect for others. We’ll expect your child to do well, and the expectations are high, but they are set appropriately for each child as we want your child’s education to be fun and enjoyable. That’s why we provide a huge range of opportunities for development outside the classroom to support the challenging and inspiring academic education. We also want your child to recognise the great potential within, that will be realised through hard work, commitment and real passion.


Making a difference

A Felsted education is about more than exam preparation; it’s also about preparing your child to have an impact in life. Just as we seek to make a difference through the experiences that we will provide, we want your child to understand that they have a responsibility to make a difference to the world on leaving Felsted.


Developing character

When your child leaves school, they will face a very different world from the one that we see now, with an increasingly global society and a future workplace that we cannot easily predict. If your child is to flourish fully in future life, development of character is vitally important: a can-do attitude and a growth mindset; the so-called soft skills such as versatility, resilience and endeavour; the ability to empathise with, lead and serve others; the capacity to work effectively as part of a team. Academic success remains critical, and we expect every child to do their best, combining aspiration and achievement in equal measure.


A rounded, holistic approach

At Felsted, we value emotional and social development as much as academic and intellectual development. From the moment that your child joins Felsted’s supportive and close knit community, they will be nurtured and challenged. We take pride in knowing and valuing every pupil as an individual, stretching them, encouraging them, and appreciating them for every contribution that they make to the community. Characteristics such as compassion towards one’s peers or resilience through adversity are developed just as much as creative, academic or sporting prowess.

We believe that our rounded and holistic approach, supported by the global Round Square network to which we belong, is what will make a difference to your child’s path through life. In return, we hope that your child will also develop into someone who seeks to make a difference to the lives of others at school and in the wider world. Leadership, Service, Charity and Internationalism are core values here at Felsted.

Chris Townsend
Head, Felsted School


Boarding at Felsted

Boarders at Felsted undoubtedly lead full lives, as they have the time to ensure academic work is completed to a high standard, to be involved in a breadth of co-curricular activities and to build lifelong friendships. Personal qualities such as confidence, independence, organisation and leadership are developed in a caring and happy community. Boarders have the option of boarding on a 3, 5 or 7 night basis in one of our 7 boarding houses for boys and girls.

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"...this is an un-snobbish, forward-thinking place that welcomes different perspectives and is committed to embracing even more."

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My son got into a top grammar school, but I didn’t want him in a highly pressurised, 'work-work-work' environment - Felsted still gets good results, but it’s more fun, offers a more holistic education and has a mix of people that better reflects real life
Felsted parent