UPDATE on 4/27 at 9:33 a.m.

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — Organizers of the protest announced on their UIUC Encampment Telegram group that they plan on resuming the encampment either tonight or tomorrow morning.

They added that organizers are coordinating and strategizing to figure out the best plan of action.

UPDATE at 10:52 p.m.

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — After a long day of protesting, the demonstrators are leaving, according to WCIA reporters on the scene.

The protestors say they will be reconvening early tomorrow morning at the Spurlock Museum on campus to continue the demonstrations.

UPDATE at 10 p.m.

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — Despite the rain, protestors at UIUC say they plan on staying put.

UPDATE at 8:48 p.m.

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — The second arrest of the day has been made as police were seen escorting the arrestee into a Mahomet Police Department vehicle.

The arrestee was walking near the Illini Union when two police officers approached him from behind, handcuffing him. The arrestee was heard questioning the police on why they were arresting him as they escorted him towards the vehicle.

UPDATE at 8:01 p.m.

CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — Chancellor Robert J. Jones of UIUC and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs John Coleman sent out a Massmail to students Friday evening asking students, faculty and staff to avoid the area of the demonstration.

“Despite our continued efforts throughout the day to ensure those who were participating were fully informed of the policies and rules that they needed to follow to continue their activities, the participants refused to adhere to them,” part of the message reads.

They added that when University Police attempted to remove the encampment structures, some demonstrators used pieces of lumber and “other physical tools and objects” to push officers back.

“This situation has escalated beyond a peaceful expression of opinion. Those who do not comply with our orders to leave will be subject to consequences, including arrest, when criminal laws are violated, and the possibility of immediate interim suspension for students,” they added.

They said the university will continue to try and convince the demonstrators to leave voluntarily, ending the protest.

“We have worked very hard over the past months to allow all of those in our community to gather in our public spaces and express themselves freely and safely. Our entire community is feeling grief, empathy and compassion at the enormous loss of innocent lives that we’ve all seen,” they added.

The full message can be read here.

In addition, one professor at UIUC sent an announcement to her students, stating that the Henry Administration Building — located at the corner of the quad near the demonstration area — will be closed for the rest of the semester. The courses will be relocated to a different building.

UPDATE at 7:53 p.m.

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — After a rest period while students negotiated with university administration, the UIUC Encampment group is urging participants to prepare for police arrival through their Telegram messaging app.

Students have linked arms again around the encampment, continuing to chant.

UPDATE at 7:31 p.m.

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — There is a group of students from Act Now for Palestine inside the Illini Union negotiating with an administrator from the university.

Despite the Friday night 5k race being canceled earlier, some participants have decided to run on their own, sporting their number bibs. Around 4,000 runners were scheduled to participate in the race.

UPDATE at 7:09 p.m.

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — Officials are putting up flood lights above the demonstration area.

UPDATE at 7:01 p.m.

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — When asked if they have a set time to leave, demonstrators said they are “keeping it up.”

UPDATE at 6:38 p.m.

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — As a crowd of bystanders continues to grow around the protest, the demonstrators are encouraging them to join in the ranks.

Some police are gathered outside near the crowd, while others are inside the Illini Union.

UPDATE at 6:18 p.m.

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — The University of Illinois Police have released a statement regarding what they call an “unlawful assembly” near the intersection of Green and Wright Streets in Urbana.

In their release, police say that around 3:30 p.m., additional tents were set up by demonstrators. Officers attempted to remove the tents by entering the assembly, saying they had no intent to make arrests unless demonstrators violated criminal law. They added that demonstrators were combative with officers, causing the officers to retreat.

They then instructed the demonstrators to disperse after informing them that the assembly was unlawful.

We respect the rights of freedom of speech and expression and remain committed to providing a safe environment for all members of our community. However, the university does not allow camping tents to be set up on campus property. When unauthorized items are placed on campus property, we inform those who place them of our policy and instruct them to remove the items pursuant with negotiated timelines. If our request is ignored, university staff will remove the items.

University of Illinois Police Department

They added that anyone who interferes with the removal is subject to consequences, such as arrest if criminal laws are violated. Students at UIUC could possibly face immediate interim suspension from the university.

“These measures are in place to maintain the physical safety of our campus and so that all campus community members can continue to benefit from the academic experience we are here to provide,” they added.

The street has also been shut down at the intersection of Green and Wright.

UPDATE at 6:15 p.m.

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — Urbana Fire Chief Kent Dade said no one has been hurt in the demonstrations, but they are on standby to make sure they are ready to help maintain the safety and wellbeing of everyone involved.

UPDATE at 6:05 p.m.

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — The doors of the Illini Union have been locked and everyone has been asked to leave the building.

The Urbana Fire Department is on-scene nearby the protests.

WCIA reached out to the department and will continue to provide updates as we learn more.

UPDATE at 5:47 p.m.

CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — The Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District has announced there will be some reroutes due to interreferences from the protests on campus.

UPDATE at 5:42 p.m.

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (WCIA) — Race officials with the Christie Clinic Illinois Race Weekend have canceled the Friday night 5k following escalations in the demonstration at UIUC.

UPDATE at 5:24 p.m.

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — The crowd continues to grow around the pro-Palestine demonstration.

According to the Students for Justice in Palestine Telegram account, University Police are preparing riot gear.

WCIA has reached out for more information from UIPD but has not heard back yet.

UPDATE at 4:51 p.m.

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — Police and demonstrators are in a standoff after protestors pushed back officers’ attempts to break up the encampment circle.

Protestors are using umbrellas to help create a barrier between them and the police.

Other local law enforcement agencies are arriving to assist UIPD, including the Illinois State Police, Champaign Police Department, Urbana Police Department and the Champaign County Sheriffs office.

WCIA has reached out to Champaign Police, Urbana Police, UIPD and the Illinois State Police for more information and will continue to provide updates as we learn more.

Protestors say they plan on continuing their demonstrations throughout the weekend.

UPDATE at 4:34 p.m.

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — After pushback from demonstrators, the University of Illinois Police have retreated from the encampment circle.

“How many deaths until we divest,” reads one protestor’s sign.

Champaign Police officers have arrived to assist. No arrests have been made as of yet.

UPDATE at 4:29 p.m.

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — University Police have now moved in on the demonstration, and have reached the middle of the encampment circle as demonstrators around continue to shout “free Palestine.”

Some demonstrators continue to link arms, while others attempt to push the police from the circle.

UPDATE at 4 p.m.

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — Hundreds of demonstrators are continuing a pro-Palestine encampment that started early Friday morning on UIUC campus as they link arms, chanting phrases like “free Palestine.”

University of Illinois Police are standing nearby.

The protestors are gathered around tents they set up for the encampment earlier.

The university’s Students for Justice in Palestine group posted earlier on social media that they would be meeting at the Alma Mater statue for a prayer at 3 p.m. followed by a rally at 4 p.m. for an “urgent call to action.”

This is a developing story.

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — Students at UIUC have resumed protesting Friday morning in efforts to demand the University divests from companies involved with supplying weapons to Israel in the war in Gaza.

Just off of Green Street near the Alma Mater statue, students have gathered for the encampment with tents and a sign pictured below.

The university’s Students for Justice in Palestine organization announced Friday morning that the “Popular University Gaza solidarity encampment has reached UIUC!” They invited supporters to join the group at the Alma-Mater statue.

The SJP UIUC posted on Facebook a list of their demands from the university:

  1. “UIUC must divest from any organizations or corporations that profit from or support the occupation of Palestine
  2. UIUC must publicly disclose all financial assets, including investments, endowments, and other holdings, to ensure full transparency and accountability.
  3. UIUC must cease collaborations with Israeli institutions as well as all corporations involved in the ongoing oppression of Palestinians, such as Caterpillar
  4. UIUC must offer complete amnesty to all student protesters and halt any and all forms of repression against those advocating for justice”

The university’s live feeds at both the Alma-Mater statue and Quad were taken down.

In a statement provided to WCIA, the university said early this morning, a group of people set up tents near the corner of Wright and Green Streets. University officials spoke to the group, informing them that they were violating campus policy and that they would have 30 minutes to remove the structures.

They added that after 45 minutes had passed, the group had not removed all of the structures, so university staff attempted to remove them when demonstrators blocked their attempts. One of the demonstrators was arrested. The University of Illinois Police Department later confirmed with WCIA that the person arrested is not a current student.

Below is the rest of the university’s statement:

We respect the rights of freedom of speech and expression and remain committed to providing a safe environment for all members of our community. However, we do not allow camping tents to be set up on campus property. When unauthorized items are placed on campus property, we inform those who place them of our policy and instruct them to remove the items pursuant with negotiated timelines. If our request is ignored, university staff will remove the items. Anyone who interferes with that removal is subject to consequences, including arrest when criminal laws are violated. For university students, immediate interim suspension from the university is also a possible outcome. Demonstrators who do not violate university policies are allowed to remain on public space as long as they continue to abide by university policies and state and federal laws. These measures are in place to maintain the physical safety of our campus and so that all campus community members can continue to benefit from the academic experience we are here to provide.

Robin Kaler, Associate Chancellor for Strategic Communications and Marketing at the U of I

In addition to the statement, WCIA obtained a timeline of the events that was sent out to university staff:

5:59: Initial instructions given.

6:56: Group was told to remove structures by 7:15.

7:28: F&S began removal of tents. Group indicated they would remove the main structure on their own and was given another five minutes.

8:07: Another five-minute warning.

8:23: Removal was completed.

8:26: Arrest made.

Rabbi Dovid Tiechtel of Illini Chabad also released a statement in response to this week’s events. He said that yesterday he engaged in “fruitful discussions” with the UIPD, university system president, UIUC Chancellor and senior administrators, where the officials underscored their commitment to upholding safety measures on campus.

He added that the university has implemented additional security measures such as heightened patrols.

“I have been in constant communication with law enforcement and administrators since the early hours. Their prompt and proactive response has led to the successful clearance of all tents and cessation of the encampment. Keeping our campus a safe place for all,” Rabbi Tiechtel said regarding the encampment Friday morning.

Earlier this week, hundreds of UIUC students took to Green Street, where they marched to an administration building in hopes of having a conversation with officials regarding their concerns.

Pro-Palestinian protests have also erupted at other universities across the country this week. Some of the protests, such as at Columbia University, have succeeded in their goals of sparking conversation with university officials. Other protests, such as at Emerson College in Boston, resulted in the arrests of more than 100 students.

This is a developing story. WCIA will continue to provide updates as we learn more.