Niles North High School Class of 1982

NNHS (NNHS) Class of 1982 Alumni List

Help us Update the NNHS 1982 Class List by adding any names missing from the list below:

Alumni Registered at

While these classmates have not yet registered on, we have found matching search results on® for the following names in Skokie, IL

Class of 1982 Niles North High School Yearbooks

Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy online at®.

Reunions and Niles North High School News

Reunion Date: 0000-00-00
To protect privacy, contact info has been removed from this post. Register to see the original with contact info.

We are planning the 40th reunion now. Please email me with your current contact info so we can keep you in the loop!
Posted: 01/29/2022

More 1982 alumni from Niles North HS have posted profiles on®. Click here to register for free at® and view other 1982 alumni.


Alumni from the Niles North High School class of 1982 that have been added to this alumni directory are shown on this page. All of the people on this page graduated in '82 from NNHS. You can register for free to add your name to the NNHS alumni directory.

We also encourage you to keep up to date on news and reconnect with Niles North High School alumni.