Cost Calculator - Ecoloft

Cost Calculator


Online Loft Conversion Cost Calculator

Some people might be put off receiving a quote for a loft conversion for a number of reasons, but making the leap to convert your loft could significantly increase your properties value, considerably increase space in your home, and provide a luxury space for you to use for either storage or habitable purposes.

Use our online loft conversion cost calculator to receive a quotation in seconds. You don’t need to sign up, arrange a meeting or provide any contact details. We have made receiving a loft conversion quote online the easiest it’s ever been!

Step 1: Have you chosen your package yet?

Standard loft conversion
Lined loft conversion
Therma Loft conversion
Deluxe Loft Conversion



Step 2: Measuring the size of your loft

If you know the size of your loft, great! Otherwise please contact us on 0333 323 2284 and we can check the size of your home remotely using our cutting edge technology. This means that to provide you with a quote we no longer need to come to your home to take measurements, we can tell you the approximate size of your loft over the phone.

Step 3: Choose a loft access

Although our loft conversion cost calculator doesn’t let you choose which variation of loft ladder available, you can decide whether you would like one by checking out our ladders page

Step 4: Choose your loft lighting

You can choose whether loft lighting will be required by visiting our loft lighting page

Step 5: Do you require a loft window?

No loft conversion would be complete without a loft window to flood your loft conversion with natural light and to take advantage of your new views from above. For more information on our range of Velux windows see our roof windows page.

Step 6: Click instant quote – THATS IT!!