Anthony Citrinite of The Collective and MeetHook in On The Beat

Anthony Citrinite of The Collective and MeetHook in On The Beat

Anthony Citrinite

Dear MD and fellow drummers! My name is Anthony Citrinite and I have been lucky enough to play drums professionally for many years with a number of great bands including Boston, Coheed & Cambria, and currently with Embers Only. Some of you also may know me because I’ve been involved with Drummers Collective in NYC for more than twenty-four years.

I wanted to tell everyone about my experience being an active member of the drum community for all these years. When I was a young kid sitting in the audience at Montclair State University for countless MD festivals, I could never have imagined in my wildest dreams that I would have the privilege and honor in helping countless young drummers later in life with my work at Drummers Collective.

I’ve had the distinct pleasure to meet and develop relationships with a large number of my drumming heroes and my drumming and career have been majorly influenced in a positive way by those professionals. So, I decided to create a way to give other aspiring drummers and fans the ability to connect and have a one on one personal conversation with those who inspire them. The result, after three years of hard work, is an app called MeetHook. We launched the app at NAMM and just finished a cross-country tour on the MeetHook bus. Advertisement

Anthony Citrinite

On the tour we had Stephen Perkins of Jane’s Addiction conduct three clinics on the West Coast, where every day he demonstrated the app to all in attendance. Each clinic, Stephen chose a different host that he booked a session with through the app and had a quick discussion with them while the audience participated. It was quite eye opening for all and I’m happy to report that because of the MeetHook platform, we have now made it possible for professional drummers, not to mention anyone who has a specialized skill in music, to create a new revenue stream by using our app. The additional revenue stream is making it a little easier for music professionals to support themselves while fans, students, and followers are gaining an extremely valuable resource.

Early adopters who are hosts on the app include Kenny Aronoff, Dennis Chambers, Rich Redmond, Todd Sucherman, Will Calhoun, Anton Fig, Carmine Appice, Corky Laing, Chris Coleman, Daniel Glass, Daru Jones, Glen Sobel, Jason Bittner, John Tempesta, Jonathan Moffett, Michael Cartellone, Roy Mayorga, Stephen Perkins, Shawn Drover, and Zoro among many more. The great thing about the app is if the host is unavailable at the time you are trying to book them, you can favorite their profile and instantly be notified when they add availability. I would like to invite everyone to download the app for free using the following links depending on whether you have an iPhone or an Android. It is also possible to use the MeetHook platform by signing up at

This app has been a labor of love and I hope to offer some freebies and account credits as we get deeper into the development and rollout. I would love to hear from anyone interested in getting involved. Hit me up anytime at and enjoy the platform. I’m positive it will change the game for a number of you and for some of you, it may change your life. Thanks for reading, have a great day! Advertisement

For more info or to sign up, visit Apple:, Android:, and

For more on The Collective in NYC, visit

Meathook Bus
