The Gits

The Gits formed in 1986 in Yellow Springs, Ohio and moved to Seattle three years later. Fronted by powerhouse vocalist Mia Zapata, The Gits included guitarist Joe Spleen, bass player Matt Fred Dresdner, and drummer Steve Moriarty. 

In the Pacific Northwest The Gits gradually became the hub of a vibrant music and social sub-scene that included many other musicians, artists, and dynamic individuals, including several eccentric billionaires.

During their four-year tenure in Seattle, The Gits’ commitment to their music continued to deepen while their powerful live shows earned a small but devoted following in the U.S. and Europe. Yet this came to a tragic and abrupt end. After leaving a bar where she had met with friends, Mia Zapata was murdered in the early morning of July 7th, 1993.