The Meaning Behind The Song: I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass by Nick Lowe - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass by Nick Lowe

The Meaning Behind The Song: I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass by Nick Lowe

If you’re a fan of classic rock and roll, then chances are you’ve heard the catchy tune “I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass” by British singer-songwriter Nick Lowe. The song, which features a lively beat and catchy lyrics, has become a beloved classic for fans of the genre. But what exactly is the meaning behind this popular tune? Let’s explore.

The Inspiration Behind the Song

According to Lowe himself, the inspiration for the song came from an unusual source – a British window manufacturer. In an interview with the BBC, Lowe explained that he was struck by the catchy sound of shattering glass while listening to a commercial for the company’s products on the radio. He decided to build a song around the sound, and “I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass” was born.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of the song are relatively simple, with a catchy chorus that repeats the line “I love the sound of breaking glass”. Some interpret the lyrics to be about the joy of destruction or violence, but Lowe has been quick to point out that this is not the case. Instead, he sees the song as a playful exploration of sound – an upbeat and catchy tune that celebrates the excitement of hearing something shatter.

The Legacy of the Song

Despite its somewhat unusual inspiration and simple lyrics, “I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass” has become a beloved classic for many fans of rock and roll. It has been covered by a number of artists over the years, including John Hiatt and The Searchers, and continues to be a popular tune for those who love the genre.


What Other Songs Has Nick Lowe Written?

Nick Lowe has written a number of popular songs over the course of his career, including “Cruel to Be Kind”, “So It Goes”, and “Lately I’ve Let Things Slide”.

Is Nick Lowe Still Active in the Music Industry?

Yes! Despite being in his seventies, Nick Lowe continues to perform and record music. Fans of the artist can often catch him on tour in the United States and Europe.

Did Nick Lowe Ever Explain the Meaning of the Song?

Yes – in several interviews, Nick Lowe has explained that the song was inspired by the sound of shattering glass in a commercial for a British window manufacturer. He has also clarified that the lyrics are not intended to be violent or destructive, but rather a playful exploration of sounds.

Who Has Covered “I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass” Over the Years?

Several artists have covered the song, including John Hiatt, The Searchers, and The Records.

When Was “I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass” Released?

The song was released in 1978 as a single, and later appeared on Nick Lowe’s album “Labour of Lust”.

What Genre of Music is “I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass”?

The genre of the song is often categorized as rock and roll or power pop.

What Are Some Other Classic Rock Songs That Feature Unusual Sounds?

There are many classic rock songs that feature unusual sounds – everything from The Beatles’ use of animal noises in “Good Morning, Good Morning” to Led Zeppelin’s incorporation of Middle Eastern instruments in “Kashmir”. Other examples include The Kinks’ use of a telephone ringing in “Waterloo Sunset” and The Who’s use of a stuttering effect in “My Generation”.

What Was the Reception to “I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass” When it was Released?

The song was generally well-received when it was first released, and has continued to be a fan favorite among rock and roll enthusiasts.

Has “I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass” Ever Been Used in Movies or TV Shows?

Yes – the song has been featured in a number of films and TV shows over the years, including the movies “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Stealing Harvard”.

What Other Musicians Was Nick Lowe Associated With?

Nick Lowe has worked with a number of other musicians over the years, including Elvis Costello, Ry Cooder, and Johnny Cash.

What Was Nick Lowe’s Inspiration for the Song’s Melody?

Nick Lowe has explained that the melody of the song was inspired by the sound of a church bell chiming.

What Else Has Nick Lowe Said About the Inspiration for the Song?

In addition to citing the commercial for the window manufacturer as his inspiration, Nick Lowe has also joked that he wrote the song in response to his upstairs neighbors’ loud parties.

Has “I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass” Ever Been Featured in a Commercial?

Yes – the song has been used in commercials over the years, including an ad campaign for Pioneer Electronics in the 2000s.

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