The Meaning Behind The Song: The Great American Novel by Larry Norman - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: The Great American Novel by Larry Norman


The Meaning Behind The Song: The Great American Novel by Larry Norman

When it comes to stirring up emotions and questioning the state of our society, few songs hit the mark quite like “The Great American Novel” by Larry Norman. Released in 1972 as part of his album “Only Visiting This Planet,” this song explores the dark underbelly of America and challenges the listener to reflect on the true meaning of patriotism.

The Great American Novel: A Closer Look

Title The Great American Novel
Artist Larry Norman
Writer/Composer Larry Norman
Album Only Visiting This Planet
Release Date 1972
Genre Rock

“The Great American Novel” begins with Norman painting a vivid picture of his upbringing as an orphan in a country once known for its freedom. He expresses a sense of abandonment, emphasizing how the nation poured its love on reaching the moon, while neglecting those in need, like him, who struggled to have their basic needs met.

Norman then delves into the corrupt nature of the American justice system, where lies disguise themselves as truth. He exposes the hypocrisy prevalent in society, denouncing the racial injustices and double standards. The sheet worn on the faces of those who claim to be righteous is the same sheet their children sleep on, highlighting the perpetuation of prejudice from one generation to the next.

Furthermore, the song criticizes the paradoxical nature of America, revealing how the nation claims to trust in God, but prohibits prayers in schools. Norman questions the sacrifices made to beat the Russians to the moon, pointing out the unsettling truth that children were deprived of their basic needs in the pursuit of a cosmic victory.

Norman then shifts the focus to America’s involvement in foreign wars, suggesting that winning battles abroad comes at the expense of losing the peace at home. He challenges the notion that sacrificing children and eliminating enemies is the only path to peace, urging listeners to reflect on the consequences of such actions.

The song proceeds to critique the role of politicians and news media, who exaggerate issues and manipulate public opinion. Norman questions whether the fate of the country is truly in their hands and wonders who would lead if none of us were to vote.

As the song nears its end, Norman touches on themes of surveillance and censorship. He speaks of his phone being tapped and his lips being chapped from whispering through the fence, hinting at the erosion of privacy and freedom of speech. This experience mirrors the reality faced by individuals who challenge the status quo.

In the final verse, Norman once again addresses the irony of a nation that claims equality and brotherhood, yet allows the rich to hold more power than others. He acknowledges that he may not have all the answers but suggests that following a higher purpose, symbolized by “the Son,” can lead to personal enlightenment and liberation.

A Personal Connection

Listening to “The Great American Novel” has always struck a chord with me. It serves as a reminder that patriotism does not mean blindly accepting the flaws of one’s country but rather holding it accountable and striving for a more just society.

Norman’s lyrics evoke a sense of frustration and a call to action. They urge us to question the societal norms and the decisions made by those in power. The song encourages us to think critically and not be swayed by manipulative tactics and false narratives.

As I reflect on the song, I can’t help but draw parallels to the present day. The issues Norman addresses—racial inequality, political corruption, censorship—are still prevalent in our society. The song’s message serves as a timeless reminder that true progress requires constant vigilance and active participation in shaping a better future.

“The Great American Novel” is a powerful anthem that demands listeners to wake up and challenge the status quo. It reminds us that we, the people, have the power to shape our nation’s future. It is a call to action, urging us to be critical thinkers, demanding accountability and justice for all.

As Larry Norman’s words resonate through the ages, we are reminded that the pursuit of a great American novel is not for the faint of heart but for those willing to confront the uncomfortable truths and work towards a more equitable and just society.

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