Breathing Fire
Tyminski Lyrics

We have lyrics for 'Breathing Fire' by these artists:

Anne-Marie We can run, we can run Chase after those sunsets, it's…
Anne‐Marie We can run, we can run Chase after those sunsets, it's…
Bad Child Ooh yeah, ooh yeah, ey Ooh yeah, ooh yeah I can't see…
Fu Manchu The motor burns it slow Gas-hog flyin' on its own I could…
Get The Shot There you stride along the city streets when none expects…
Jenna Davis Everybody, everybody sees smoke Oh, oh, oh Nobody, nobody se…
Mountain Sounds Going back in time we had land, and our heads…
Red Wire Black Wire A million lights and a kick drum The floor is moving…
Tarot All is twisted, all I see is glowing red Fire is…
Wolfgang Black Take a leap into the unknown! Keep on running to the…

We have lyrics for these tracks by Tyminski:

Bloodline Good southern singing was my upbringing, it was all my…
Can't Tame a Fire I can talk my way out of trouble with a…
Gone Mmmm... (Wish I could stay but you′re gone) (Wish I could…
Good For Your Soul I′ll wrap you up in sweet nostalgia I'll help you set…
Hollow Hallelujah Haven′t had much time for myself Let alone my friends They l…
Man of Constant Sorrow I am a man of constant sorrow I've seen trouble all…
Numb Been awhile since our last conversation I said some things I…
Southern Gothic Woo Woo Blackbird on the old church steeple Spanish moss …

Temporary Love Temporary Love Ginny come lately but she′s gone by the Morn…

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Comments from YouTube:


What an incredible song and the album overall. Love it wholeheartedly. Very very underrated. The whole album is full of radio-ready hits. Sadly this is what happens with amazing music these days when you don't plunge millions $ on promotion. Would love to see some new tracks in this modern style from you Dan.


You never cease to amaze me with your music Dan. Great job!


Dang Dan !! i've been a supertramp, phil collins, bob seger,bad company,to metallica listener,and you've brought me home somehow :) I love this album ..What a Treat ,Thank You Tyminski & Dan ,xox


Sick song and yes, Dan Tyminski is an underrated singer and picking that guitar


Great song, one of the best singers!


haha att det är dig man ser som första kommentaren är ju sjukt, du ska ha eloge för dina roliga klipp!


The beat drops on TENT REVIVAL!!!
Thanks Dan. That is all. 😃


montage of the video calls to both our feelings and our primal instincts, admiration for nature. Music is beautifully shaped and mastered. Pure art


Dan is the man so underrated


I had never heard of you because I'm not a country listener and seems they've got you under country. I love bluegrass, but never cared for country. I loved The Steeldrivers and so I looked up "Similar Artists" on Last FM and you were the fourth one listed on there and so I listened to Southern Gothic first and now this one. I must say that if country all sounded like your style, I would love country the same I do many other genres of music. I absolutely love your music so far. I am so happy that I found you. I don't subscribe to many, but you got a new subscriber ;-)

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