NOSES - Translation in Spanish - lcp

nose [nosed|nosed] {intransitive verb}

1. "rummage, pry"

nos {pronoun}

1. general
No nos limitaremos únicamente -no seremos capaces- a los fondos existentes.
We will not limit ourselves - we will be unable to limit ourselves - to the existing funds alone.
Pero en el futuro es importante que no nos impongamos metas poco realistas.
But in moving forwards, it is important not to set ourselves unrealistic goals.
No nos engañemos con la retórica de que esto favorece a los más pobres.
Let us not fool ourselves with the rhetoric that this is favouring the poorest.
2. "personal"
Nos parece que el sentido de la propuesta que se nos presenta es muy positivo.
It seems to us that the import of the proposal being put to us is very positive.
Nos ha dañado mucho y nos ha presentado erróneamente como partidarios de los albanos.
It did us serious damage and it falsely portrayed us as supporters of the Albanians.
Se nos espera, se nos solicita, desafortunadamente, con demasiada frecuencia sin respuesta.
Others place hope in us, await us, call on us, alas, too often without response.
3. "como sujeto", archaic
nos (also: nosotros, nosotras)
A todos nos atañe porque nos preocupa la salud pública y que ésta nos motiva.
We are all concerned because we care about public health, and this drives us.
Esto es lo que nos propone la Comisión en su comunicación, y nos alegramos de ello.
This is what we invited the Commission to do with its communication, which we welcome.
Si nos dividimos, nos debilitamos y se prolongan los sufrimientos de los oprimidos.
When we are divided, we are weakened, and the suffering of the oppressed is prolonged.

English Spanish Contextual examples of "nose" in Spanish

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their content.

Even Hungary is asking everyone to keep their noses out of its business.
Incluso Hungría ha pedido al resto que se mantenga al margen de sus asuntos.
Otherwise the hard fact is that the Chinese are thumbing their noses at us.
Sea como fuere, lo triste es que los chinos se están riendo de nosotros.
Now it is right under our noses; the game is all but lost.
Ahora tenemos el acontecimiento encima; la partida ya está prácticamente perdida.
I would counsel you and the Commission to please keep your ill-informed noses out of small businesses!
Les aconsejo a ustedes y a la Comisión que dejen de meter sus mal informadas narices en las pequeñas empresas.
the children pressed their noses against the window
los niños tenían la nariz apretada contra la ventana
All of this happened under the noses of the ECB, with interest rates that were totally inappropriate.
Todo esto ha pasado ante las narices del Banco Central Europeo, con tipos de interés que eran totalmente inapropiados.
We cannot dangle a carrot in front of young people's noses and then snatch it away as soon as they try to bite.
No podemos poner un plato de comida delante de los jóvenes y retirarlo en el momento en que quieren probarlo.
That is why we are not turning our noses up at the changes made during the various negotiations on the directive in the Commission.
Se considera que esas mismas disposiciones garantizan el respeto de los convenios colectivos.
All too often these expulsions continue to occur under the noses of police who are simply passive onlookers.
Estas expulsiones siguen teniendo lugar, igual que ocurría antes, ante los ojos de la policía, que las contempla sin intervenir.
They only see as far as the ends of their noses.
It is not the effect on our noses which is important but rather the fact that harmful substances are released into the atmosphere.
Y lo importante no es que resulte ofensivo para nuestro olfato sino que emite sustancias nocivas en la atmósfera.
he stole it from under our very noses
Recently, 2 000 monkey noses were found in a suitcase at Amsterdam airport, showing that the illegal trade is thriving.
   – Señor Presidente, apoyo las ideas que subyacen a las propuestas del excelente informe del Sr. De Rossa y le felicito por ello.
Unfortunately, we are still very fond of using new primary materials but always tend to turn up our noses at secondary materials.
Por desgracia, todavía nos gusta mucho utilizar materias primas nuevas, y siempre tendemos a despreciar los materiales de segunda mano.
This has happened because Irish banks and European banks engaged in reckless lending and borrowing right under the noses of the ECB.
Esto ha ocurrido porque los bancos irlandeses y europeos incurrieron en insensatas operaciones de préstamo y crédito ante las narices del BCE.
Recently, 2 000 monkey noses were found in a suitcase at Amsterdam airport, showing that the illegal trade is thriving.
Recientemente se han descubierto 2 000 narices de monos en una maleta en el aeropuerto de Ámsterdam, lo cual demuestra que el comercio ilegal está floreciendo.
This is something that takes place right under our noses, but it seems there is a certain reluctance to talk about the problem using the correct terms.
Sucede delante de nuestras narices, pero parece que existe una cierta reticencia a hablar del problema con los términos correctos.
That is why we are not turning our noses up at the changes made during the various negotiations on the directive in the Commission.
Por esta razón, no ponemos mala cara a los cambios que se han introducido a lo largo de las distintas negociaciones en torno a la directiva en la Comisión.
One type is influenza A, with headaches, coughs and runny noses that can last for many days and lead to serious illnesses such as pneumonia.
Un tipo es la gripe A, que provoca cefalea, tos y secreción nasal, que puede durar muchos días y puede causar enfermedades graves como la neumonía.
Despite over 500 amendments, all noses in the Commission were made to point in the same direction as far as structure and substance is concerned.
A pesar de las más de 500 enmiendas se ha logrado que en la Comisión se mantenga la misma postura despreciando a la estructura y al contenido.
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English How to use "nose" in a sentence

He has a curving mouth, straight nose, and etched jaw line.
The nose is black and hairless, and the hair surrounding the nose has a white tint.
The carbody, underframe, and even trucks are all painted silver while the upper third and upper nose area show a darker shade of gray.
Mariner 3 failed after a successful launch when its nose cone shroud failed to open.
The other test flights were fraught with engine failures, and persistent hydraulic, nose gear and vibration problems.

English How to use "brown-nose" in a sentence

They only admitted those who refused to brown-nose the leadership for a promotion.
You go ice-skating together, brown-nose each other's parents, host try-hard drinks parties, exchange twee personalised gifts and generally nauseate everyone by being full of happiness, hygge and hugs.

English How to use "oler" in a sentence

Olía a eso; a sombra recalentada por el sol.
Las mujeres huelen tus intenciones, antes que tu perfume.
Y entonces, con una mano limpia, toma un montón de tierra para oler la bien.
Un lugar que no puedo tocar, oler, ver...?
Además señalo que no nos ha llevado al menos a hacer oler una sola obra nacional, al contrario.

English How to use "nariz sangrante" in a sentence

El oficial, con su nariz sangrante, secundado por varios subordinados, se abalanza sobre él para reducirlo.
Y ahí estás... permaneciendo inmutante... dura como el diamante... con esa boca perfecta... con esos ojos cerrados... y esa nariz sangrante...
Comprimir el ala de la nariz sangrante durante 4-5 minutos.
Mire al chico ahora furiosa, y lo vi alejarse de nosotros, correr calle abajo con una mano en su rostro, cubriendo su nariz sangrante.

English How to use "lamehuevos" in a sentence

De que nadie sepa ser amigo ya puro pinche lamehuevos...
Recalcó que no estamos dispuestos a apoyar a políticos lamehuevos, arrastrados, agachados y arreados por el gobierno federal.

Synonyms (English) for "nose":
