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Browse Popular Dream Symbols and What They Mean

We are always working hard to add new dream symbols to our dream dictionary – here you can browse some of the different ones we’ve added to our site over the years. Whether you’re curious about a symbol you’ve dreamt of before or are looking to study and learn more about dream interpretation, you are sure to find something to discover and explore!

ant spirit animal dream meaning

Ants Dream Meaning & Symbolism

Ants can have a number of meaning in dreams and as a message from spirit. Here we will go over some common and possible associations this dream symbol and spirit animal.

snow dream meaning

Snow Dream Meaning

Dreaming of snow is common, especially if you live in a climate where snow is a regular part of life. Snow can have a lot…

Boat Dream Meaning

Boat Dream Meaning

 Boats come in all sorts of styles, shapes, and sizes, and as a result there can be a number of possible dream interpretations for boats….

Lemon Symbolism in Dreams

Lemon Symbolism in Dreams

When life gives you lemons…it is a good idea to know why! Learn about lemon symbolism and the dream interpretation.

ex dream meaning

Ex Dream Meaning

Dreaming about an ex? While these dreams can be confusing to understand at first, fortunately they can also give us a lot of wisdom on…

food dream meaning

Food Dream Meaning

Food is something we all need to survive, and a common part of everyday life. It is not surprising then that we might dream about…

what fire means in dreams

Fire Dream Symbol Meaning

Did you have a dream about fire or flames? Fire can happen in our dreams in a number of different forms and can be a…

dream about rats meaning

Rat Dream Meaning

Did you have a dream about a rat? While we may not always think of rats as positive animals to see, understanding the meaning of…

fish dream symbol interpretation

Fish Dream Meaning

Learn how to interpret your dreams and understand the meaning of fish in dreams with our free A-Z dream dictionary.

horse dream interpretation

Horse Dream Meaning

Did you have a dream about a horse and wondering what it means? If you had a dream about horses, it can mean a number…

gate dream symbol meaning

Gate Symbol and Dream Meaning

Gates are highly symbolic, and can provide a lot of insight into your current life if you have dreamed about one. If you had a…

Double bed with patchwork quilt

Quilt Dream Meaning

A quilt symbolizes the connection between our past memories and the present moment. Quilts in dreams represent warmth, family, and creativity.

ape dream symbol meaning

Ape & Gorilla Dream Meaning

Dreaming of an ape can symbolize knowledge, resourcefulness, friendship, social relationships, communication and a sense of environment. Apes are a type of mammal that includes…

school dream meaning

School Dream Meaning

What does it mean to dream about school? School is often a place we associate with learning and education. If you are an adult who…

Rhinoceros in its habitat in a zoo

Zoo Dream Meaning

Dreaming about the zoo can be a symbol for how you are currently navigating life.

dream about driving

Driving Dream Meaning

Driving is a common dream theme, and understanding what it means to dream about driving a car can help you better understand what is going…

Ice skating

Ice Skating Dream Meaning

Dreaming about ice skating can show us how easily we glide through life and a symbol for how we deal with difficult emotions and situations.