Errol and Me by Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes | Goodreads
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Errol and Me

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Errol Flynn: Wicked Lover, Wayward Rogue
The wicked, true story of ERROL FLYNN's stormy marriage - the revealing, intimate facts of his wild, wayward life.

The read Errol Flynn - as seen by his second wife
- Their first "arranged" date
- The night he seduced her
- Their proxy marriage in Mexico
- The abandoned life aboard his yacht Zaca
- The extramarital affairs about which he boasted
- His addiction to dope and liquor
Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes holds back nothing. She reveals everything... tells all the intimate, sordid, soaring details about her marriage to Errol Flynn, the magnificent heel of a husband who could charm and cheat - at one and the same time

With startling candor, Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes reveals the intimate, incredible story of what it was like to be married to ERROL FLYNN, the Don Juan of Hollywood, for 7 wild and wanton years.

176 pages

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About the author

Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes

3 books6 followers
Nora Eddington is best known as the second wife of the actor Errol Flynn. She was an American. She also featured as an actress in a number of minor roles in a small number of films.

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Profile Image for Alohatiki.
174 reviews4 followers
March 18, 2018
In our current climate, Errol Flynn would not be doing well with the #metoo movement. He is the poster boy for "cad" and some other not as nice sounding words. But I just kinda love the guy. I loved his autobiography. This book was by an exwife who he raped, kicked in the stomach while pregnant and tried to shoot her up. He is just so horrible. But she seemed still into him. I enjoyed this vapid read about the most charmingly horrible person that ever was.
Profile Image for Natasha.
292 reviews32 followers
November 20, 2009
Wow. I'm glad to have come across this book. Before this, I truly had no idea who Errol Flynn was. Not to mention Nora Eddington. But now, I know them so intimately in a way only those who read the book can. I never expected this book to be about cocaine, alcohol, ABUSE... This was amazing. I loved it.
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