How to Make a 1x1 Picture in Word: A Step-by-Step Guide - Support Your Tech

How to Make a 1×1 Picture in Word: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a 1×1 picture in Word might sound like a tricky task, but it’s actually quite simple if you know the right steps. All it takes is a few clicks and adjustments, and you’ll have a perfect square image ready to use for whatever you need. Whether it’s for a project, an assignment, or just for fun, this quick guide will walk you through the process from start to finish.

Step by Step Tutorial: How to Make a 1×1 Picture in Word

Before diving into the steps, it’s important to understand that making a 1×1 picture in Word involves resizing an existing image to a square format. This tutorial assumes you already have an image inserted in your Word document that you’d like to adjust.

Step 1: Open your Word Document

Open the Word document where you want to insert the 1×1 picture.

Adding an image to your Word document is the first step in creating your 1×1 picture. You can either drag and drop an image into your document or use the ‘Insert’ tab to add an image from your files.

Step 2: Insert an Image

Click on the ‘Insert’ tab, then select ‘Pictures’ to insert an image into your document.

Once you’ve inserted an image, it will likely not be in the 1×1 format. That’s where the next steps come in to help you resize and adjust the image to create a perfect square.

Step 3: Select the Image

Click on the image you’ve inserted to select it.

When you select the image, a new ‘Picture Format’ tab will appear on the ribbon, which contains all the tools you need to edit and resize your image.

Step 4: Resize the Image

Go to the ‘Picture Format’ tab, then click on the ‘Crop’ button.

Cropping is the key to turning your image into a 1×1 picture. By cropping the image, you can trim away the parts you don’t need and focus on keeping it square.

Step 5: Set the Aspect Ratio

In the ‘Crop’ dropdown menu, select ‘Aspect Ratio’ and then click ‘1:1’.

Setting the aspect ratio to 1:1 ensures that the height and width of the image will be the same, resulting in a perfect square.

Step 6: Adjust the Crop Handles

Use the crop handles to adjust which part of the image you want to keep.

You’ll notice that when you select the 1:1 aspect ratio, the crop handles will snap to a square shape. You can then click and drag these handles to select the part of the image you want to keep as your 1×1 picture.

Step 7: Apply the Crop

Once you’re happy with the selection, click on the ‘Crop’ button again to apply the crop.

After applying the crop, you’ll be left with a 1×1 picture, ready to be used in your document for whatever purpose you need.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you’ll have a neat, square 1×1 picture in your Word document. This could be useful for creating profile pictures, logos, or any other square-shaped images you need for your projects or personal use.

Tips for Making a 1×1 Picture in Word

  • Ensure that the image you’re working with is a high-resolution image to avoid pixelation when cropping.
  • If you’re using the image for a professional purpose, make sure you have the rights to use it.
  • Save a copy of the original image before cropping, in case you need to start over.
  • Use the ‘Picture Format’ tools to enhance the image further if necessary, such as adjusting brightness or contrast.
  • Practice with different images to get a feel for how the cropping tool works.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don’t have the ‘Picture Format’ tab?

If the ‘Picture Format’ tab isn’t showing up, make sure that you have selected the image. Clicking on the image should bring up this tab.

Can I make a 1×1 picture from scratch in Word?

Word isn’t designed for creating images from scratch, but you can insert shapes and set them to a 1:1 aspect ratio to create a square shape.

How do I know the size of the image after cropping?

After cropping, you can click on the ‘Picture Format’ tab and see the height and width measurements in the ‘Size’ group. Make sure they are equal for a 1×1 picture.

Can I make a 1×1 picture with text in it?

Yes, you can add text boxes over the image or insert WordArt to include text within your 1×1 picture.

What’s the best way to save my 1×1 picture?

To save the image, right-click on it and select ‘Save as Picture’. Choose the format you’d like to save it in and select a destination on your computer.


  1. Open your Word Document
  2. Insert an Image
  3. Select the Image
  4. Resize the Image
  5. Set the Aspect Ratio
  6. Adjust the Crop Handles
  7. Apply the Crop


Learning how to make a 1×1 picture in Word is a handy skill that can help you in various situations. Whether you’re creating content for social media, designing a presentation, or just personalizing your documents, being able to quickly resize and crop images to the desired dimensions is essential. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different images and tools within Word to get the exact look you want. With the steps outlined in this article, you’re well on your way to mastering the art of image editing in Word. Now, go forth and crop to your heart’s content!

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