As the saying goes, to watch Kristen Bell geek out over Game of Thrones or freak out over a sloth is to love her. (That's how that goes, right?) The actor, singer, and producer has been in show business since she was a student at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, but she hit the big time after starring in a little animated film from a relatively unknown movie studio—jk, obvs—you know the studio was Disney and the movie was none other than Frozen.

With the final season of The Good Place currently airing and kids (and, let's be real, adults) anxiously awaiting for the premiere of Frozen 2 this November, Kristen Bell is pretty much a household name at this point.

So, after starring in a global phenomenon and several hit TV series, what is Kristen Bell’s net worth?

Let’s just say Kristen is definitely not in The Bad Place, financially speaking. CelebrityNetWorth estimates her net worth at a Elsa-level cool $20 million. But even with all that fame and fortune, Kristen manages to keep it real with a relatively frugal lifestyle that includes regularly lending her support to charities and nonprofits. (Just another reason to love her.)

Here’s how the Golden Globe nominee makes her money:

Let’s start with the lovable, talking, magical snowman in the room: Frozen.

It’s probably safe to assume that the 2013 animated musical did better than anyone expected. The film racked in $1.3 billion at the box office and likely even more than that in merchandise sales, Forbes reported in 2015. Frozen 2 hits theaters November 22, but it’s already racked up millions of views on the trailer alone and rumors of a third box-office movie are swirling like a snowstorm in Arendelle.

Missed the Frozen 2 trailer? Chill (ha, get it?), you can peep it here:

preview for Frozen 2 - official trailer (Disney)

Kristen's been acting in TV shows for over a decade.

In 2004, the actress got her first big break when she landed the title role in Veronica Mars, a TV series about a smart-talking teenage detective. The show only lasted three seasons (first on UPN, then The CW—RIP), but quickly became a cult favorite with a dedicated fan base. Shout out to all my Marshmallows out there!

Not only did Kristen make money from her OG acting gig, but the show raised over $5 million on Kickstarter to make a Veronica Mars movie, and the series came back for a fourth season on Hulu this past summer. Oh, and btw, there's a chance that a fifth season could happen, according to CNN. (Commence fan freakout!)

But until then, you can catch Kristen in the final season of The Good Place, a TV show about ethics and what it means to be a good person, disguised as a half-hour comedy. Having played main character Eleanor Shellstrop since 2016, Kristen makes a reported $125,000 per episode, according to PopBuzz. If true, she stands to make over $5 million from the show’s 40-plus episodes.

Though Kristen has a cushy cash flow, she is famously frugal with her hard-earned money.

Kristen told Conan O’Brien during an interview in 2012 that she "almost exclusively shops with coupons" and has admitted to stealing her neighbor’s Bed Bath & Beyond deals. (Don't pretend you've never done it...or at least, seriously considered it.)

But Kristen's penny-pinching goes beyond those 20-percent-off coupons. When she married Dax Shepard (after refusing to do so until gay marriage was legal in California, P.S.), the couple said "I do" at the Beverly Hills courthouse—in a ceremony that Kristen told CBS Sunday Morning cost them only $142.

Do you love Dax and Kristen as much as they love each other? Probs not—their body language is everything:

preview for What Kristen Bell & Dax Shepard’s Body Language Says About Their Relationship

Kristen and Dax are currently raising their two daughters in their $4.3 million home in Los Feliz.

According to the Los Angeles Times, the couple bought the 4,050-square-foot English Revival–style home in 2017. Designed by architect Arthur R. Kelly (whose other design credits include the Playboy Mansion), the house was built in 1922. Now, the grounds include gardens, a swimming pool, and a carriage house that’s been converted to a garage. (Okay, so she's not exactly frugal there...)

With the launch of their new company, Kristen and Dax are #businessgoals on top of #couplegoals.

Don't mix business with pleasure? Puh-lease. The couple's parenting-products company, Hello Bello, hit the shelves of Walmart stores last February and promises "to take care of your kids from head-to-butt-to-toe," Kristen said in a press release announcing the line's launch.

From diapers and personal-care items to cleaning products and gummy vitamins, Hello Bello's products use plant-based ingredients and organic botanicals. The natural segment of the baby-care products industry is expected to grow the fastest—7.8 percent by 2025—according to market research firm Adroit. Oh baby, indeed.

ICYDK, this isn’t Kristen’s first foray into business. The actress is also a cofounder of This Bar Saves Lives, a granola-bar company that donates a packet of food to a partner organization for every bar bought.

In between the business meetings and table reads, Kristen also makes time for giving back.

If helping create a company that has donated over 11 million(!!) life-saving food packets since its founding wasn’t enough of a clue, Kristen takes doing her part to make the world a better place seriously.

For her 38th birthday in 2018, Kristen organized a fundraiser to pay for the bail bonds of an immigrant woman who had been separated from her family, according to The Hollywood Reporter. She also told Parents magazine that she regularly works with local L.A. nonprofits that focus on supporting young mothers and families in low-income housing, in an effort to teach her daughters about the importance of giving back.

"I think everyone has a great internal kindness barometer, if you can awaken it," Kristen told Parents. "I’ve had plenty of great examples of kindness in my life. The way I see it, we are all on Team Human, and I tell my kids that the world is just our extended family."

That's a whole different kind of valuable, if you ask me.