Distance Calculator Alberta Canada ( North America ) - Road Driving Distance and Directions Between Cities in Alberta - Travel Routes Alberta Google Maps & Flight distances - Distantias

canada flag What are the distances to places in Alberta from the capital city of Ottawa Canada?

Ever wondered how far Alberta is from Canada's capital city? These are the distances to Ottawa as the crow flies from a list of towns and cities within Alberta, Canada along with a sample of populations for towns where we have the data.

For practical purposes, we limit results to a max of 250 on the page, use the form to calculate a distance from somewhere that isn't listed. If you need a full list, then please try this Alberta cities list.

What are the distances to places in Alberta from the capital city of Ottawa Canada?
Ottawa to Alberta Towns and CitiesDistance MilesDistance KilometersPopulationDate
Distance Ottawa to Airdrie Alberta 1783.752870.66615812022
Distance Ottawa to Athabasca Alberta 17602832.4529652022
Distance Ottawa to Banff Alberta 1851.082979.0278472022
Distance Ottawa to Barrhead Alberta 1802.12900.245792022
Distance Ottawa to Bassano Alberta 1717.632764.2512062022
Distance Ottawa to Beaumont Alberta 1758.912830.7173962022
Distance Ottawa to Beaverlodge Alberta 2006.763229.5724652022
Distance Ottawa to Bentley Alberta 1783.882870.8710782022
Distance Ottawa to Black Diamond Alberta 1795.022888.8127002022
Distance Ottawa to Blackfalds Alberta 1773.312853.8793282022
Distance Ottawa to Blairmore Alberta 1809.972912.8617242011

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List of States, Counties, Regions in Canada Other Than Alberta

Alberta | British Columbia | Manitoba | New Brunswick | Newfoundland and Labrador | Northwest Territories | Nova Scotia | Nunavut | Ontario | Prince Edward Island | Quebec | Saskatchewan | Yukon |

Last Updated Thu, 30 May 2024 20:00:50 - Next scheduled update Sun, 02 Jun 2024 20:14:10

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