Lisbon → Evora Bus: from $4 | Rede Expressos, FlixBus, Inters Portugal - Rede Nacional De Expressos, Lda. | Busbud

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Cheap buses leaving tomorrow

One passenger / one way

  • This trip is recommended because it is: Cheapest
    Departure time: May 27 at
    Departure city: Lisbon
    Departure location: Lisbon, Estação do Oriente- Av. Dom João II,1990
    Arrival time: May 27 at
    Destination city: Evora
    Destination location: Evora
    Operated by: FlixBusFlixBus
    Vehicle: BusDuration:
  • This trip is recommended because it is: 2nd Cheapest
    Departure time: May 27 at
    Departure city: Lisbon
    Departure location: Lisbon, Estação do Oriente- Av. Dom João II,1990
    Arrival time: May 27 at
    Destination city: Evora
    Destination location: Evora
    Operated by: FlixBusFlixBus
    Vehicle: BusDuration:
  • This trip is recommended because it is: Fastest
    Departure time: May 27 at
    Departure city: Lisbon
    Departure location: Lisbon, Estação do Oriente- Av. Dom João II,1990
    Arrival time: May 27 at
    Destination city: Evora
    Destination location: Évora
    Operated by: Rede ExpressosRede Expressos
    Vehicle: BusDuration:
  • Departure time: May 27 at
    Departure city: Lisbon
    Departure location: Lisbon Sete Rios
    Arrival time: May 27 at
    Destination city: Evora
    Destination location: Évora
    Operated by: Rede ExpressosRede Expressos
    Vehicle: BusDuration:
  • Departure time: May 27 at
    Departure city: Lisbon
    Departure location: Lisbon Sete Rios
    Arrival time: May 27 at
    Destination city: Evora
    Destination location: Évora
    Operated by: Rede ExpressosRede Expressos
    Vehicle: BusDuration:
Bus Lisbon to Evora: Trip Overview

Bus Lisbon to Evora: Trip Overview

Average ticket price$5
Average bus trip duration1h 30m
Number of daily buses28
Earliest bus departure7:00 AM
Distance69 miles (110 km)
Latest bus departure11:00 PM

Lisbon to Evora Buses

Information on this bus route

Daily Departures28
Earliest and Latest Bus Departures7:00AM - 11:00PM
Minimum Price$4
Average Ticket Price$5
Minimum Trip Duration1h20m
Average Bus Trip Duration1h30m
Distance69 miles (110 km)
Bus Companies on This RouteRede Expressos, FlixBus, ALSA, Inters Portugal - Rede Nacional De Expressos, Lda., Infobus
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions for your trip Lisbon - Evora

The bus is the best choice to get to Evora without a car. The bus provides a cost-effective, safe, and easy way to travel between the two cities. Taking a ride with other travelers through carpool services is an additional option to consider.

On average, the trip from Lisbon to Evora takes around 1h 30m, although the minimum time it takes to get there is 1h 20m with the fastest bus. This is the time it takes to travel the 68 miles (109 km) that separate the two cities.

About 68 miles (109 km) separate Lisbon and Evora.

You can choose from 28 travel times and travel with Rede Expressos, FlixBus and ALSA. Depending on the day of the week, the number of buses available from Lisbon to Evora may vary. Want to make your bus journey from Lisbon to Evora as smooth as possible? Busbud has got you covered! Browse schedules, pick the perfect bus for your travel style and budget - all in one place.

The bus service has you covered with departures starting at 7:00 AM and ending at 11:00 PM.

Most of the buses traveling from Lisbon to Evora leave from Lisbon Sete Rios and arrive at Central de Camionagem de Évora. These are the main pick-up and drop-off locations on this route, there are other pick-up and drop-off locations that could make it easier for you to reach your destination.

Go for the bus if you want the most cost-effective way to travel this route. The lowest price for the bus on this route is $3.

The average price of a one-way ticket from Lisbon to Evora is $5. In the past 30 days, prices have fluctuated between $3 and $31, so it's best to compare them to make sure you get the best deal.

Yes, it's possible to take a day trip from Lisbon to Evora! The round-trip travel time is around 2h 40m. So you'll have plenty of time to discover Evora before making your way back to Lisbon.

Find cheapest prices for buses

Find cheapest prices for buses

Price is for a one-way ticket for one passenger and based on past searches.

Best price found
The cheapest trip from Lisbon to Evora was searched and found on May 27, 2024 with a price of $4

To save money and be sure you have the best seat, it's a good idea to buy your bus tickets from Lisbon to Evora, as early as possible.

You can expect to pay from $4 to $28 for a bus ticket from Lisbon to Evora based on the last 2 days. You can expect to find the cheapest price for the trip at $4 which is on 2024-05-27.

Usually ALSA INTERNACIONAL, INTERS PORTUGAL - REDE NACIONAL DE EXPRESSOS, LDA. will charge you higher prices for tickets closer to the departure date. To find the best prices, you should be flexible on your date of travel.

About Bus Travel

Bus Travel Tips

Meet and talk to locals at the bus stations while traveling from Lisbon to Evora.There is no better way to get inside travel information while exploring a new city than to go straight to its people.

Start sightseeing the minute your bus leaves the station. If you're on the night bus from Lisbon to Evora, get comfy and count the stars.

Buses have one of the smallest carbon footprints of motorized transport modes. A bus going from Lisbon to Evora will emit less CO2 than a car or an airplane.

Make a music playlist for your bus ride from Lisbon to Evora, and enjoy the scenery to tunes from your own personal soundtrack.

Did you know?

The Superbus, created by a Dutch engineer is the world's fastest bus with 250 km/h. Too bad it's only a prototype for now.

It takes 27 hours to go by bus from Lima to Cusco, one of the craziest bus trips on the world. This route is used daily by locals and backpackers.

Did you know that 80% of the buses in North America are equipped with WiFi and power outlets ? And 60% of bus travelers have used their electronic device on board during 2014.

What's the cheapest way to go from Lisbon to Evora?

The bus is the cheapest travel choice for this destination
Vehicle TypeTravel TimeAvg PriceDaily Departures
Vehicle TypeBusTravel Time1h 30mAvg Price$5Daily Departures28
Vehicle TypeCarpoolTravel Time1h 40mAvg Price$13Daily Departures2

The best way to travel between Lisbon and Evora is by bus. By choosing the bus, you'll get to save some money as you travel to your destination, as ticket prices cost $5 on average. If you're on a budget, you'll find cheap tickets from $3. If you're looking for the fastest way to get to Evora, choose the bus, as it will take you from Lisbon to Evora in about 1h 30m - that's the fastest way to get there!

Will you be returning to Lisbon by bus?

Bus from Evora to Lisbon

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The Best Way To Book Bus and Train Tickets

Busbud makes bus travel easy. We help travelers find a bus, plot routes, and book intercity bus tickets all over the world. Use Busbud to book your trip online, in your own language and currency, wherever you are. Busbud prides itself on its worldwide partnerships. We make it possible for you to buy tickets with its large network of trustworthy bus partners like Greyhound, Eurolines, ALSA, OUIBUS (BlaBlaBus), National Express and many others.