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First Time Watching ‘Lost’: Season 3 Review.

First-Time Watcher

And I’m back with another review, for yet another season. I’m now halfway through with this show, and it’s getting pretty damn good right now. Again, thank you to everyone who interacted with the last post, I appreciate it.

This review will be the same format and categories as my first review. If there are any spoilers in the comments, please downvote them so I don’t see them, as I’m still doing pretty good on the no spoilers part. Anyways, let’s get into the review.

What I Liked:

Most of the storylines were great all throughout the season. The storytelling for this season really stood out to me, more than any other season. This season brought more intense and action packed episodes than any season before, in my opinion, which I loved. The way they portrayed the others was perfect, especially for them being the enemies and all, they really excelled at the creepy aspect for them. This season answered a bunch of questions that seasons 1 and 2 left unanswered. Like usual, the twists and turns could be pretty fascinating at times. The introduction to new characters like Juliet was great, and even the deaths were good, like Eko, though I would’ve liked for him to stay longer. This season delivered a handful of episodes that could be considered some of the shows best, basically the whole second half could be in that conversation. Them introducing the flashforwards is a fascinating addition to the show, and I’m excited to see where it goes in future seasons.

What I Disliked:

As I said before, them focusing more on the others was cool, but overall they carried it out for too long. At times it felt like the show was drifting away from the main story, for side plots that I didn’t really care for. Also, like I already mentioned, the twists were good for the most part once again, but there were many that were predictable and not so surprising when they were revealed. Like usual, this season left a few questions unanswered, as they really do enjoy ending on cliffhangers. Also, to me, it felt like they built up the others pretty much all season, just for them to not be as evil as advertised, or as evil as I had hoped I guess.

Favorite character(s): Sayid, Sawyer, Desmond, Hugo

Least favorite character(s): honestly none

Favorite episode: 03x22 & 03x23 “Through the Looking Glass”

Least favorite episode: 03x09 - “Stranger in a Strange Land”

Season rating: 9/10 (amazing)

Seasons ranked (so far): 1>3>2

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u/SuperDiscoBacon avatar

Can I ask, were you aware (or are you aware?) of the behind the scenes stuff and negotiations with the network around how long the show was gonna run before you started watching this season? If so then you can disregard this comment but if not, you might find this interesting.

The writers were in a constant battle with the network about how long the show would run, with ABC obviously wanting to drag it out as long as possible (they had hoped for at least 10 seasons). The show runners eventually had to put their put down and demand a definite end date for the show, so they could actually start writing towards it and stop spinning their wheels and coming up with filler storylines. When season 3 aired it had a break in the middle. The first 6 were shown, then a break, then the rest. It was during this break that they were finally told they could end the show after season 6. Now, looking back at this season in particular it is so clear when exactly they started writing with the ending in mind, because as you said yourself, most of the episodes in the second half of the season are really great - and that finale with the surprise flash forward is still probably the most gobsmacked I have ever been at a TV show. It was insane. Having an actual end date allowed them to pull the trigger on that.

Hope you continue to enjoy the show, so many great episodes to come!

Yea I heard something about it, around the stranger in a strange land episode is where I heard they knew the end date.

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You're more than halfway through because the last 3 seasons have less episodes. Enjoy the rest of the show ;-)

Questions :

  • Did you suspect the flashforward at all before the end of the episode ?

  • Did you think Charlie was going to survive ?

  • What did you think about Exposé and Tricia Tanaka Is Dead ?

  • Who do you think is in the casket in the last episode ?

  • Not really no, I was surprised they went in that direction, but I enjoyed it.

  • At the end when he was turning off the light and was talking with Penny I knew he was gonna die, especially because they basically dedicated a whole episode to him and his death, so it would’ve been kind of weird if he didn’t. For a second I did think just Desmond was gonna go, when they were on their canoe or whatever, before Charlie knocked him out.

  • I actually really liked Exposé, the placement was kind of dumb, and the overall story didn’t go anywhere, not yet at least, but just as a standalone episode I thought it was good. I liked Tricia Trinaka Is Dead as well, it was a fun episode.

  • I honestly don’t know, I guess it could really be anyone, but I don’t have any guesses yet.

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If you have no least favorite characters this season, what is the point of still including the "least favorite characters" section?

Because perhaps some would have said: "who is your least favourite character?". If that was missing. It helps to understand that they don't have any.

They didn't include "least favorite episode", that was included in both S1 and S2 reviews and I haven't seen anyone ask "what was your least favorite episode?" here.

yea I forgot about that, but it’s the same as pretty much everyone elses, the Stranger in a strange land episode.


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I don't really care that much about the format, just asking a question.

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Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Eko's actor) wanted out of the show, he actually asked to be written out in the S2 finale but the showrunners then told him the finale for S2 had already been written and then instead the showrunners decided to kill him off in S3 instead.

Which is tragic because Eko was such a good character and I feel like he would have had a great story.

Elements of what was supposed to be his story were split between Locke and Desmond.

I liked Eko too, but in the end, I respect the actor's decision to leave.

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Great review!. I agree. For me season 3 is one of my favourite seasons because of how much it answers. Season 3 feels like what season 2 was trying to be. 2 introduced the dharma initiative, yes. But it was also like a carrot on a string. It was constantly baiting the audience by giving them a little and then filling the rest up with filler. Season 3 as you say does have it's slow side, the first half is very up and down. But the second half. Like you say, some of the best episodes in the series are in that batch. Other than the amazing season finale. My favourite episodes of the season are: Juliets episodes ("not in portland", "one of us"). "Flashes before your eyes". "The Man from Tallahassee", "greatest hits", "The man behind the curtain" and my all time favourite: "The Brig". I'm rather fond of "Tricia Tanaka is Dead" as well.

I loved the finale probably the most, but all the ones you named were great as well.

That's why I said "other than the amazing season finale". I would say all the LOST finale's are on a whole other level. The only finale that doesn't really hold up as well when compared to the rest is the season 2 finale. Which while great and has some unforgettable moments: "I think I crashed your plane". Just doesn't have the "this is crazy!" vibe of the others.

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