15 Best Indonesian Romantic Movies of All Time
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15 Best Indonesian Romantic Movies of All Time

Written by Sera Serinda A

Romantic movies are a great choice for a cozy date night. They're perfect for stirring up emotions and can even help you reflect on and strengthen your relationship. Not all romantic movies end happily; some leave you with a touch of sadness or a bittersweet feeling.

Indonesian cinema has its share of amazing romantic films too. They offer captivating love stories, impressive acting, and storylines that really tug at your heartstrings.

In this article, we've got a list of the best Indonesian romantic movies ever made. Curious to know which ones made the cut? Let's dive in and find your next favorite movie!

"Ada Apa dengan Cinta (What's Up with Love)," directed by Rudi Soedjarwo, made waves as the first Indonesian romantic film to attract young audiences in the 2000s. Starring Nicholas Saputra and Dian Sastrowardoyo, this movie digs into the complex world of love as experienced by two high school students. Not only a box office hit, it also gave rise to an unforgettable soundtrack!

The film revolves around Cinta (Dian Sastrowardoyo), a 17-year-old girl living a near-perfect life. Her life suddenly changes during a poetry competition. Cinta, who has always been the winner, is surprisingly outdone by Rangga (Nicholas Saputra), a shy, introverted student who struggles with social interactions. This event leads Cinta and Rangga to cross paths and, despite initial difficulties, they start to get to know each other.

Coming from completely different worlds, Cinta and Rangga find themselves drawn to each other. Their love blossoms against a backdrop of various challenges, including disapproval, friendship issues, and even violence. Just when their relationship deepens, Rangga has to move to America to continue his studies. So, what's next for Cinta and Rangga's love story?

2. Noktah Merah Perkawinan

Year 2022
Genre ,
Cast Oka Antara Marsha Timothy Sheila Dara Aisha
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"Noktah Merah Perkawinan" (The Red Point of Marriage) makes a significant impact in 2022, highlighting the realistic conflicts often encountered in a married life. Directed and written by Sabrina Rochelle Kalangie, the movie is a remake of the popular 1990s soap opera of the same name.

It tells the story of when Ambar (Marsha Timothy) and her husband Gilang's (Oka Antara) relationship enter a critical stage after eleven years of marriage. They often fight without ever solving the problem. This is apparently due to their parents' interference in their marriage.

Gilang, a landscape architect, meets his client Yuli while working on a garden project. Yuli is also one of Ambar's ceramic workshop students. At that time, Gilang starts to feel comfortable with Yuli and vice versa, even though Yuli is already in a relationship.

The movie depicts the complexity of relationships and the emotions involved when someone finds comfort outside of their marriage.

3. Gita Cinta dari SMA

Year 1979
Cast Rano Karno Yessy Gusman
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Back in 1979, Indonesia fell in love with a teenage romance film that became a huge hit. This film, "Gita Cinta dari SMA" (High School Serenade), is still remembered fondly for its great story and iconic characters. Rano Karno and Yessi Gusman, the stars of the film, brought to life a story of young love full of challenges.

The film follows Galih (Rano Karno) and Ratna (Yessi Gusman), two high school friends who are not only attractive but also shine in both studies and extracurricular activities, making them well-known in school. They have strong feelings for each other, with a love that seems perfect.

However, Ratna's father, who is Javanese, does not approve of her relationship with Galih, who is Sundanese. But Galih doesn't lose hope. With the secret help of their friends and Ratna's brother, he tries to keep their love alive. The film keeps you wondering, can Galih and Ratna overcome these tough challenges to stay together?

4. Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck

Year 2013
Genre ,
Cast Herjunot Ali Pevita Pearce Reza Rahadian
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In the 1930s, Zainuddin (Herjunot Ali) from Makassar goes to his dad's old village, Batipuh, in Padang Panjang. There, he meets Hayati (Pevita Pearce), the admired beauty of the village. They quickly fall in love, but they face big challenges because of local customs and traditions.

Zainuddin, who isn't wealthy and doesn't come from the same background as the locals, isn't accepted in Minang's society where family background is very important. Hayati is from a well-known Minang family and is expected to marry someone from a similar background.

Hayati's family turns down Zainuddin's marriage proposal and instead chooses Aziz (Reza Rahadian), a wealthy and generous man, for her. Heartbroken, Zainuddin leaves and moves to Java. Over time, he becomes a famous writer, with his books loved all over the region.

Years later, Zainuddin meets Hayati again, along with her husband Aziz. He finds out that Hayati isn't happy; Aziz is mean to her, and even his parents don't like her.

Hayati still loves Zainuddin, but he's too hurt to take her back. This becomes his biggest regret, especially after learning that Hayati was in a tragic shipwreck, the Van Der Wijck.

Habibie is an aspiring aircraft expert. He sets off to Germany to further his education. In 1962, upon returning to Indonesia, he reunites with Ainun, a childhood friend who is now a doctor. Their friendship quickly blossoms into love, leading to marriage.

Together, they move to Germany where Habibie works towards his doctorate and achieves great success as an engineer. However, their life changes when President Soeharto of Indonesia calls Habibie back home. There, Habibie's career skyrockets as he serves as the Minister of Research and Technology, Vice President, and eventually becomes the third President of Indonesia. Throughout these monumental changes, Ainun remains a constant support, sharing in both triumphs and challenges.

Tragically, after Habibie's presidency, Ainun faces a personal battle with ovarian cancer and passes away in 2010.

This movie is based on the true story of BJ Habibie, Indonesia's third President. He and his wife, Hasri Ainun Habibie, shares a heartfelt 118-minute journey through their inspiring and emotional love story. The film has been widely acclaimed, winning multiple prestigious awards, including the Citra Cup in various categories.

6. Critical Eleven

Year 2017
Genre ,
Director ,
Cast Adinia Wirasti Reza Rahadian
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In the world of flying, there's a saying called "Critical Eleven." It's about the 11 most important minutes in a flight: 3 minutes after takeoff and 8 minutes before landing. This idea is used in a love story about Ale and Anya, who meet on a plane going from Jakarta to Sydney in a movie.

Their meeting during these crucial 11 minutes really makes an impact. It's in the first 3 minutes that Anya falls hard for Ale. They spend the rest of the flight talking and laughing, right up until the last 8 minutes when they have to say goodbye.

This encounter gives Ale the push he needs to pursue Anya's heart. They end up deciding to get married.

But when they start their married life in New York, they face some tough times. This includes Anya getting pregnant and a big problem that really puts their relationship to the test. They have to deal with their own pride and doubts, plus someone from Anya's past shows up.

Dilan 1990 is a movie adaptation of the popular novel of the same name by Pidi Baiq. The movie presents a romantic narrative of two lovers set in the 1990s.

Milea (Vanesha Prescilla) is a new student in Bandung, having recently moved from Jakarta. Her life takes an interesting turn when she meets Dilan (Iqbaal Ramadhan), a fellow student, one morning. Dilan's 'unusual' and bold approach to introducing himself catches Milea's attention, marking him as someone different and intriguing.

Dilan is not just a unique and romantic guy; he's also smart. But there's another side to him - he's known as a troublemaker and leads a well-known motorcycle gang in Bandung.

Milea, meanwhile, is dealing with her own complications. Back in Jakarta, she has a boyfriend named Beni, whose possessive and rude behavior leads her to end the relationship. This breakup paves the way for Milea and Dilan to grow closer, eventually becoming a couple.

However, their journey is not without its ups and downs. The film beautifully captures the rollercoaster of emotions and events that define Milea and Dilan's relationship. Dive into their story and experience the twists and turns for yourself by watching the movie!

This is the story of Fahri bin Abdullah Shiddiq (Fedi Nuril), an Indonesian student living in Cairo. Fahri is known for friendly, polite, and kind demeanor. He's pursuing his master's degree at Al-Azhar.

Without him knowing, several women in his life have developed feelings for him. These include Maria (Carissa Putri), who lives in the same building, Nurul (Melanie Putria), a fellow student, and Noura (Zaskia Adya Mecca). One day, Fahri's teacher suggests that he is ready for marriage and advises him to consider taaruf, a form of Islamic courtship.

Initially, Fahri feels unworthy due to his humble background and lack of a steady job. However, with the encouragement of his friends, he decides to follow his teacher's advice. He chooses to court Aisha (Rianti Cartwright), a courageous woman who has captured his heart. The two marry and embark on their life together.

However, their marital bliss is short-lived as they face a series of challenges. From Nurul's family proposing marriage to their daughter, to a false accusation of Fahri assaulting Noura, their relationship is put to the test. How will Fahri and Aisha's story unfold? This emotionally charged movie will have you reaching for the tissues, so be prepared!

This film beautifully captures the evolution of a deep friendship into love, centering on the lives of Ditto and Ayu. Ayu, with her tomboyish charm, has unknowingly captured Ditto's heart. Yet, Ditto finds himself in a dilemma, unable to confess his feelings, as Ayu sees him only as a friend.

Their bond dates back to junior high school, with Ditto always being Ayu's confidant, patiently listening to her complicated love stories. Their closeness even extends to sharing a double date, but through it all, Ditto’s feelings for Ayu remain steadfast.

Ditto goes to great lengths to stay near Ayu, engaging in various efforts to strengthen their bond. However, his attempts seem to go unnoticed, as Ayu only regards him as a dear friend. Ditto's emotions are further tangled when Ayu announces her plans to marry her boyfriend. This news leaves Ditto at a crossroads: should he finally unveil his true feelings, or let Ayu proceed with her marriage?

This poignant narrative is an adaptation of a book by Ayudia Bing Slamet and her husband, chronicling their own journey from being best friends to life partners. The story mirrors their real-life romance, where Ayudia ultimately marries her best friend, known as Ditto Percussion, illustrating that sometimes love is found in the most familiar places.

10. Twivortiare

Year 2019
Genre , ,
Cast Reza Rahadian Raihaanun Soeriaatmadja
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Ika Natassa is a talented writer whose works are often adapted to the big screen. In 2019, her novel "Twivortiare" was brought to the big screen starring Reza Rahadian and Raihaanun, directed by Benni Setiawan. The movie explores the complexities of love and family life.

In the beginning, Beno Wicaksono, a busy surgeon, and Alexandra Rhea, a successful banker, are deeply in love with each other. Soon, they made a decision to get married.

However, after marriage, their strong feelings begin to change, resulting in frequent conflicts and arguments. After two years of arguing, Beno and Alex decide to separate.

Surprisingly, despite their separation, they keep being drawn back to each other through various events. Even when another man tries to win Alex's heart, she finds herself still connected to her ex-husband.

11. Dear Nathan

Year 2017
Cast Jefri Nichol Amanda Rawles Surya Saputra
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Nathan (Efri Nichol) and Salma (Amanda Rawles) are two high school students with different personalities. Nathan is known for his mischievous personality, while Salma is an outstanding student.

Despite their differences, Nathan falls in love with Salma after she helps him avoid punishment for being late to school. Although Salma initially tries to keep her distance, Nathan openly expresses his feelings for her.

As time passes, Salma begins to be attracted to Nathan's attentions, while Nathan tries to improve himself for Salma's sake. However, their relationship faces hurdles when Salma's parents disapprove. Nathan and Salma must find a way to overcome the obstacles they face.

"Dear Nathan" is a movie based on a novel by Erisca Febriani, eagerly anticipated by fans of teen romance films. It quickly became one of the most beloved romantic teen movies of its era.

12. Heart (2006)

Year 2006
Genre , ,
Cast Nirina Zubir Irwansyah Acha Septriasa
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"Heart," directed by Hanny Saputra, is a romantic and emotional film that was hugely popular when it came out. It beautifully explores themes of sacrifice, friendship, and complicated love, backed by powerful performances from its lead actors.

Rachel and Farel have been best friends since they were kids, often playing basketball together. But their friendship hits a rough patch when Farel falls for Luna, a beautiful new girl. Rachel is kind of boyish, who's not too fussed about her looks. She tries to help Farel win Luna over, even though she has a secret crush on her best friend.

Rachel's feelings for Farel grow so strong that she even starts changing her style to be more feminine, like Luna. But this only makes Farel see her differently.

Things come to a head when Farel and Luna become a couple, leaving Rachel heartbroken. In her upset, Rachel has a serious accident. Meanwhile, Luna is facing her own struggles with a life-threatening heart condition. How will this love triangle resolve?

Eiffel... I'm in Love tells the story of Tita, a teenager under the watchful eye of her overprotective mother. She lives a restricted life, where even a simple trip to the mall with friends requires her mother's presence.

One day, Tita's mother's friend visits from France, bringing along her son Adit, who is Tita's age. To Tita's surprise, she finds out that her parents have arranged for her to marry Adit. This news throws her into confusion, especially since she is already in a relationship with her boyfriend, Ergi.

However, things change when Ergi is caught cheating on her. During this tough time, Adit steps in to comfort Tita, taking her out to the movies. It's here that Tita begins to see Adit as a caring and kind man. Just when she starts to have feelings for Adit, Adit has to return to France. So, how will the love story between Tita and Adit continue?

Eiffel...I'm in Love has been a critical success, winning numerous accolades, including the title of Most Favorite Movie at the MTV Indonesia Movie Award in 2004. Its lead actor, Samuel Rizal, also bagged the Best Actor award at the same ceremony.

"Antologi Rasa" (An Anthology of Feelings), a heartwarming Indonesian romantic drama from 2019, was directed by the renowned Rizal Mantovani. Starring Carissa Perusset, Refal Hady, Atikah Suhaime, and Herjunot Ali, this film takes us on a journey through the ups and downs of love among four friends.

The story revolves around Keara (Carissa Perusset), Ruly (Refal Hady), Denise (Atikah Suhaime), and Harris (Herjunot Ali). They're not just colleagues but also close friends. Over time, their friendship begins to evolve into something more, as feelings of love start to surface.

Keara is head over heels for Ruly and tries her best to win him over, even though she knows Ruly has a soft spot for Denise. To make things more complicated, Denise is already married, but that doesn't stop Ruly from liking her.

In this mix, there's Harris who secretly adores Keara. The film beautifully captures the messy, intertwined emotions and challenges they face in this love square. How will they untangle these feelings and find happiness?

15. Sayap-Sayap Patah

Year 2022
Genre , ,
Cast Nicholas Saputra Ariel Tatum Iwa K Khiva Iskak Nugie
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Rudi Soedjarwo's film, based on a real event, tells the gripping story of the intense riots at Mako Brimob in 2018. It's about Adji (Nicholas Saputra) and Nani (Arie Tatum), a young couple enjoying their life together. They're overjoyed when they find out they're going to have their first baby.

Nani, despite her beaming smiles, hides a constant worry every time Adji heads to work. Adji is not just any policeman; he's part of a special anti-terrorist squad, which means his job is filled with risks. The news often carries stories of police officers losing their lives in the line of duty

Then, one day, Nani sees on TV that there's been a terrible riot at Mako Brimob. Dangerous criminals have attacked and taken some policemen hostage. What she doesn't realize at first is that Adji is one of them. When she finds out her husband is involved, her world starts falling apart.

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