Top New Crypto Listings To Watch For in June 2024
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Top New Crypto Listings To Watch In June 2024

11 mins
Updated by May Woods
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Keeping an eye on new crypto listings is essential for short-term traders and those looking to get in early on new coins. Stay ahead in the fast-paced world of digital assets and explore the top new cryptos set to debut on leading trading platforms in June 2024.


Top new crypto listings in June 2024

1. Polyhedra Network (ZK) on Bybit

Revolutionizing web3
Listing date
March 18, 2024
Token supply
1,000,000,000 ZK

2. Nakamoto Games (NAKA) on Bybit

Web3 gaming ecosystem
Listing date
March 21, 2024
Token supply
180,000,000 NAKA

3. Fluence (FLT) on Bybit

Scalable cloud computing
Listing date
March 20, 2024
Token supply
1,000,000,000 FLT

4. Metis (METIS) on Binance

Layer-2 network for Ethereum
Listing date
March 11, 2024
Token supply
10,000,000 METIS

5. (ETHFI) on Binance

Decentralized staking protocol
Listing date
March 18, 2024
Token supply
1,000,000,000 ETHFI

6. Beoble (BBL) on Bybit

Web3 social platform
Listing date
Feb. 28, 2024
Token supply
1,000,000,000 BBL

7. Dogwifhat (WIF) on Binance

Meme coin
Listing date
March 5, 2024

Token supply
998,920,173 WIF

8. Portal (PORTAL) on Bybit

The first cross-chain gaming platform
Listing date
Feb. 29, 2024
Token supply
1 billion PORTAL

What to look for while investing in new projects?

When considering an investment in new crypto projects, it’s important to conduct thorough research to make informed decisions. Investing in cryptocurrency carries risks, and it’s essential to do your due diligence before parting with your cash or crypto. It’s also wise to invest only what you can afford to lose, as the crypto market can be highly volatile.

Here’s a comprehensive list of attributes and features new investors should examine before investing.

1. Project purpose and utility

Understand the core purpose of the cryptocurrency. What problem is it solving? What utility does it provide? A strong, clear use case is crucial.

Evaluate the technology behind the cryptocurrency. Is it innovative? Does it improve on existing solutions? Security, scalability, and interoperability are key factors.

Consider the potential market size. A larger market might mean more demand, but it’s also important to assess market saturation and competition.

2. Whitepaper and roadmap

Review the project’s whitepaper and roadmap. The whitepaper should provide detailed information about the project, including its goals, technology, and implementation plan. The roadmap outlines the project’s future plans and milestones.

Most notable projects will eventually get listed on the best U.S. crypto exchanges. It’s worth checking those out since these platforms have some of the most stringent crypto regulations. If a crypto or token is listed in the U.S., the project is often more likely to show some potential. 

3. Team and advisors

Investigate the team behind the project. Look for their experience, past achievements, and credibility in the industry. A competent and experienced team increases the project’s chance of success.

Look into partnerships and collaborations with other companies or projects. Reputable partnerships can provide legitimacy and aid in the project’s growth.

Understand what security measures the project has in place. This includes audits by reputable firms, bug bounty programs, and the overall security of the blockchain and wallet infrastructure.

4. Community and support

A strong, active community indicates a healthy project. Check social media, forums, and Telegram or Discord groups to gauge community engagement and support.

A transparent project regularly updates its investors and community. Frequent and clear communication is a sign of a well-run project.

Tokenomics and supply

Understand the tokenomics of a project, including its total supply, distribution plan, and how it is used within the ecosystem. This can affect the token’s value and demand.

Where can I find coins before they are listed?

If you want to keep an eye out for new cryptos and coins before they get listed on major exchanges, you need to allocate some regular research time. While checking for new crypto listings requires diligence, the practice can pay off. Finding coins before they are listed on major exchanges is a strategic move for investors looking to enter early into potential high-growth projects. 

Platforms for new crypto listings

Here are some places we recommend to check and follow to discover new crypto listings.

  • Crypto launchpads and IDO platforms. Platforms like Binance Launchpad, Polkastarter, and Cardano’s OccamRazer are designed to launch new projects. They offer Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs) and token sales before they hit major exchanges.
  • Initial Coin Offering (ICO) websites. Websites such as ICO Drops, CoinList, and ICO Bench provide lists and details of upcoming ICOs, where tokens are sold directly by the projects before they reach exchanges.
  • Crypto forums and communities. All projects were once initially announced on the crypto-focused forum BitcoinTalk. But in 2024, many new projects use Reddit (e.g., r/CryptoCurrency, r/altcoin, r/ICOCrypto). Follow some of these channels to get early information on new tokens.
  • Social media and influencers. Following crypto influencers, developers, and projects on platforms like Twitter, Telegram, and Discord can provide early alerts on new coin listings. However, be aware that many of these accounts with a large following are often paid to post about new projects. 
  • Pre-sale and crowdfunding platforms. Some projects offer pre-sale rounds or crowdfunding opportunities directly on their websites before an official exchange listing. 
  • Crypto news websites and newsletters. Staying updated with crypto news websites such as BeInCrypto and subscribing to our Telegram channel to stay informed about the latest crypto news, including upcoming coin listings.
  • GitHub. For tech-savvy individuals, monitoring projects on GitHub can provide early insights into new tokens and projects before they gain mainstream attention.

How to find crypto news fast?

BeInCrypto allocates significant time and effort to investigate and present the most accurate crypto news on the internet. We focus on delivering the best possible information to our audience in multiple languages. 

As a general rule, though, we advise not to rely on a single source for information about any new project. While the cryptocurrency world is no longer new, it remains infamous for its proliferation of scams.

Never rely on sources you’re unfamiliar with when finding new crypto news. Try to always confirm crypto news from multiple sources. We also recommend you check crypto news aggregators, such as CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap, which provide a comprehensive overview of the latest developments from various sources in one place.

The crypto space doesn’t lack new tokens. According to the research chart below from Statista, there were over 9,000 crypto coins in circulation as of January 2024. The number tends to increase every year, especially during bear markets, as was the case in 2022. 

new crypto listings
Number of crypto tokens: Statista

As such, you should always base your investment decision on research and the potential of the project, not just on the newest crypto launch or listing. 

Not all new crypto listings are profitable

Overall, while new crypto listings on trading platforms can present lucrative opportunities, not all lead to profitable outcomes. Investors should exercise caution when engaging with newly listed cryptocurrencies on both centralized and decentralized exchanges (DEXs).

Understanding the volatile nature of spot trading and conducting thorough research before investing in any new listings on a crypto exchange is essential. Remember, the allure of new listings does not guarantee success, and careful analysis is crucial in navigating the often volatile crypto market.

Frequently asked questions

How do I find new crypto listings?

Which platforms list new tokens first?

Does Binance list altcoins?

How do you know when a coin will be listed?

How do you find coins that will pump?

Who gives the best crypto advice?

Top crypto projects in the US | June 2024



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Iulia Vasile
Iulia Vasile is a seasoned professional in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry, working full-time in the field since 2017. With a background in computer engineering, she has the unique ability to write about complicated topics, including DeFi, NFTs, trading, and AI, in a way that is easy to understand. Iulia learned multiple programming languages while completing her Software Engineering degree in Bucharest at Politehnica University. Iulia brings her expertise and personal...