The Rock 'n' Roll Dreams of Duncan Christopher - Apple TV
The Rock 'n' Roll Dreams of Duncan Christopher

The Rock 'n' Roll Dreams of Duncan Christopher

Available on iTunes
Duncan's father, Arthur Christopher, was an eccentric 1970’s rock legend who, after moving his family to rural Oklahoma at the height of his stardom, slowly loses touch with reality. At Duncan's sister Angeline's thirteenth birthday party, Arthur tries to pass the magic mantle of rock-n-roll stardom on to young Duncan, before shockingly taking his own life. Duncan never quite recovers, and wiles away his youth in his sheltered, quirky little world of video games and Dungeons-and-Dragons, apparently bereft of any musical gifting. But when Duncan turns thirty, his cousin, lifelong bandmate, and shameless self-appointed manager, Charlie, convinces him to give the dream of rock ‘n’ roll stardom one last shot. Charlie promises an exclusive gig in the big “music mecca” of Tulsa, Oklahoma, under the tutelage of Arthur’s brother and former bandmate, the codgerly Uncle Virgil. But when Duncan finds out that Charlie has actually entered him in a local karaoke contest, and that Uncle Virgil left the music world behind long ago, Duncan is crushed. Having given up and looking for a day job, Duncan wanders into a local coffee shop where he meets a new muse in the beautiful and whimsical Geneveve. Faced with the prospect of falling in love, Duncan finds the confidence he needs to hit the rock 'n' roll dream with his best shot, and face a parade of outlandish karaoke challengers, including the audacious, local legend named "Simply Irresistible" (or "SI" for short). Along the way, Duncan must stare down his father's ghost, melt the icy heart of his embittered sister Angeline, and face potential heartbreak with Geneveve. What follows is a bit surprising and ultimately touching, as Duncan finds out that while he may not be that good, he’s also not that bad.
Starring Jack Roberts, Peter Bedgood, Marshall Bell
Director Justin S. Monroe