GTCO Food and Drink

Tom Parker-Bowles

Food Critic

Sunday, April 28th, 2024
06:20 pm – 07:20 pm
Register for masterclass

Tom Parker Bowles is a distinguished figure in the culinary world, renowned for his discerning palate and insightful critique. As the Restaurant Critic for The Mail on Sunday and Food Editor of Esquire, Tom brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. With a monthly column in Country Life and a role as Contributing Editor for Conde Nast Traveller, he offers a multifaceted perspective on the ever-evolving food scene.

Tom's influence extends beyond the written word, as he serves as a judge on BBC’s Masterchef, showcasing his ability to identify culinary excellence and talent. An accomplished author, Tom has penned nine books, each offering unique insights into the world of food. His latest release, "Cooking and The Crown," captivates readers with its exploration of culinary traditions within royal circles, released to critical acclaim in September 2023.

With a passion for food that transcends borders, Tom Parker Bowles continues to inspire and educate audiences worldwide. Whether through his writing, judging, or speaking engagements, Tom remains dedicated to sharing his love for gastronomy and shaping the future of food culture.