Chicago Fire Season 11 Episode 17 - TV Fanatic
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Cindy is furious when the doctor moves their appointment where they were supposed to know the chemotherapy results. Herrmann consoles her.

Javi tries to get Joe to come to his soccer game, but Joe, overwhelmed with the responsibilities at the house, turns it down. He'd missed other games, which disappointed Javi.

Violet talks to Carver about his truck, but he doesn't say why he sold it.

Stella and Boden talk about the gap left by Kelly's absence. Boden inquires about Cindy's plight.

The team responds to a fire at a blood drive. Bramford disrespects Joe when he is given a task.

Joe sees Boden about Bramford, and Boden tells him the only way to get him out of 51 would be to write him up. Joe is torn on what to do.

Mouch focuses on making a firetruck model for a Deputy District Chief.

Ambulance responds to an emergency where the victim is showing weird symptoms.

Joe asks Stella's advice on what to do with Bramford. Stella advises getting to know him better. Joe invites him for a drink at Molly's.

Mouch enlists Ritter and Gallo to find a missing piece of the truck he's building.

Joe learns that Brmaford is divorced with two kids. He sympathizes with him.

Violet and Sylvie encounter more patients with the same symptoms. They later figure out that the cause was that some medicine they had bought was spiked with something.

Bramford makes an off-color joke about Cindy and Herrmann's relationship. Later, Joe decides to kick him out of 51.

Growing impatient, Cindy bursts into the doctor's, and they receive good news. Cindy's cancer is in remission.

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Chicago Fire Season 11 Episode 17 Quotes

Joe: Capp and Tony take the left; Bramford the one on the right. Stay on my hip.
Bramford: It's not like I need a babysitter but alright, you're the boss.

I thought Carver was a lost cause at first, you know, just a cocky pain in the ass.
