E-learning platform – Moodle

E-learning – Moodle

Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is the University of Vienna’s e-learning platform. It is available to members of the University for studies and teaching. On Moodle, teachers can set up virtual courses to upload course material, communicate with students, give tests or provide u:stream recordings.


This service description is intended for students.

Teachers can find all information in the u:wiki space Moodle.

 Direct Links


To use Moodle you need an active u:account for students.

After logging in, you will find a list of Moodle courses on the homepage, the dashboard, for the courses for which you have registered and which are visible. 

Not all courses use Moodle. All courses for which an e-learning course is available are marked with a Moodle link in u:find.


The Moodle link in u:find leads you to the respective course. If you have not yet been activated for the course, you will receive further information via the link.

You have registered for a course with Moodle course and the status registered (angemeldet) in u:space. The course must now be activated by a teacher or tutor so that it is also accessible to students. When this happens is up to the course instructor.

If you have the status registered for a course in u:space for more than one day and other students can already access the Moodle course, there may be a technical error. Contact the ZID Helpdesk with your matriculation number and the course number.