18 Surprising Facts About Steve Chen - Facts.net
Agata Hinman

Written by Agata Hinman

Modified & Updated: 30 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Dazeinfo.com

Steve Chen is a name that resonates with anyone familiar with the world of technology and entrepreneurship. As one of the co-founders of the popular video-sharing platform YouTube, Chen has left an indelible mark on the digital landscape. While many may be familiar with his professional achievements, there are several surprising facts about Steve Chen that are not widely known. From his early days as a computer science student to his current ventures in the tech industry, Chen’s journey is full of interesting twists and turns. In this article, we will uncover 18 surprising facts about Steve Chen that shed light on his life, accomplishments, and the impact he has had on the world of technology.

Key Takeaways:

  • Steve Chen, co-founder of YouTube, was born in Taiwan, studied electrical engineering, and left a lasting impact on the internet with his innovative contributions.
  • After YouTube, Steve Chen co-founded AVOS Systems and Nom, became a prominent angel investor, and continues to inspire future innovators with his entrepreneurial journey.
Table of Contents

Steve Chen co-founded YouTube.

Back in 2005, Steve Chen, along with Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim, started the now iconic video-sharing platform, YouTube. They developed the website with the goal of creating a platform where users could upload and share video content with the world.

He was born in Taiwan.

Steve Chen was born on August 18, 1978, in Taipei, Taiwan. He later moved to the United States with his family and grew up in Illinois.

Steve Chen is an electrical engineer.

Chen graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a degree in computer science, specializing in electrical engineering.

Prior to YouTube, he worked for PayPal.

Before co-founding YouTube, Steve Chen worked as a software engineer at PayPal, an online payment company. His experience at PayPal would prove valuable in the development and growth of YouTube’s monetization strategies.

YouTube was acquired by Google.

In November 2006, Google acquired YouTube for a whopping $1.65 billion in stock. The acquisition further solidified YouTube’s status as the leading video-sharing platform on the internet.

Steve Chen received numerous awards for his contributions to YouTube.

For his role in revolutionizing online video sharing, Steve Chen has been recognized with several awards, including the prestigious George Foster Peabody Award and the TechCrunch Crunchie Award.

He left YouTube in 2009.

After the acquisition by Google, Steve Chen remained with YouTube as the Chief Technology Officer for a few years before eventually stepping down in 2009.

Chen co-founded AVOS Systems.

Following his departure from YouTube, Steve Chen co-founded AVOS Systems, a company focused on developing innovative projects and platforms for video creators and consumers.

He is an avid basketball fan.

Steve Chen is known to be a passionate basketball enthusiast. He has often been spotted attending NBA games and supporting his favorite teams.

Chen became a prominent angel investor.

With his success in the tech industry, Steve Chen became an active angel investor, providing financial support and mentorship to startups and entrepreneurs in various sectors.

He served on the advisory board for Airbnb.

Steve Chen has shared his expertise as a board member or advisor for several notable companies, including Airbnb, the popular online marketplace for hospitality services.

Chen was honored in Time magazine’s “100 Most Influential People” list.

In 2006, Time magazine recognized the impact of YouTube’s success and included Steve Chen on their prestigious “100 Most Influential People” list.

He holds multiple patents.

Steve Chen is the holder of several patents related to internet technology and video sharing, demonstrating his innovation and contributions to the digital landscape.

Chen is a philanthropist.

Steve Chen is actively involved in philanthropic endeavors, supporting various causes such as education, healthcare, and environmental conservation.

He was inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame.

In recognition of his significant contributions to the development and advancement of the internet, Steve Chen was inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame in 2017.

Steve Chen is a co-founder of Nom.

Continuing his entrepreneurial pursuits, Steve Chen co-founded Nom, a live-streaming platform that focuses on interactive experiences centered around food and cooking.

He has been featured on Forbes’ list of billionaires.

Steve Chen’s success as a tech entrepreneur has earned him a spot on Forbes’ list of billionaires, highlighting his remarkable achievements in the industry.

Steve Chen continues to inspire future innovators.

As one of the masterminds behind YouTube, Steve Chen’s entrepreneurial journey and impact on the digital landscape serve as an inspiration for aspiring innovators and creators worldwide.


Steve Chen is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable figures in the world of technology and entrepreneurship. From co-founding YouTube to his ongoing ventures in the tech industry, his impact has been profound. Through his innovative ideas, dedication, and hard work, Chen has revolutionized the way we consume and share videos online.

With his humble beginnings as an immigrant from Taiwan to his incredible success as a tech titan, Steve Chen’s journey is an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs around the globe. His relentless pursuit of creating user-friendly platforms and his contributions to the democratization of online video content have left an indelible mark on the digital landscape.

As we continue to witness the evolution of technology, we can only anticipate what groundbreaking projects Steve Chen will embark upon next, and we eagerly await the next chapter in his exceptional career.


Q: What is Steve Chen famous for?

A: Steve Chen is famous for being a co-founder of YouTube, one of the most popular video-sharing platforms in the world.

Q: Where is Steve Chen from?

A: Steve Chen was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and later immigrated to the United States.

Q: How did Steve Chen start his career?

A: Steve Chen started his career as an engineer at PayPal before co-founding YouTube with his colleagues.

Q: What was the motivation behind creating YouTube?

A: Steve Chen and his co-founders wanted to create a platform where users can easily upload and share videos online.

Q: Has Steve Chen been involved in any other ventures?

A: Apart from YouTube, Steve Chen has been involved in various ventures, including founding the live-streaming platform Nom and investing in other tech startups.

Q: What are some of Steve Chen’s notable accomplishments?

A: Some of Steve Chen’s notable accomplishments include winning numerous awards for his contributions to technology, revolutionizing the way we consume online video content, and being recognized as a leading figure in the tech industry.

Steve Chen's remarkable journey from Taiwan to YouTube co-founder is truly inspiring. His innovative spirit and passion for technology have left an indelible mark on the world. If you enjoyed learning about Chen, why not explore the fascinating stories of other tech trailblazers? Discover the astounding facts about Twitter's Biz Stone, co-founder extraordinaire. Dive into the world of innovation facts that have shaped our lives. And don't miss the surprising revelations about social media management that will change your perspective on online communication. Get ready to be amazed by the incredible people and ideas that continue to transform our digital landscape!

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