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European elections 2024

European elections, 6-9 June 2024

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The common principles and values that underlie life in the EU: freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law, promoting peace and stability.

Discover the EU’s priorities for 2019-2024: promoting a green Europe, developing the economic base, protecting citizens and their freedoms.

How the EU budget is funded and spent, managing EU funds, areas of expenditure, fact check on the EU budget.

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Featured news

All featured news are available in the 24 EU official languages via machine translation.

Walter Baier, Sandro Gozi, Ursula von der Leyen, Terry Reintke and Nicolas Schmit debating Europe in the European Parliament
  • Supplementary information

Re-watch the debate between the lead candidates for the European Commission presidency in the European Parliament. Walter Baier, Sandro Gozi, Ursula von der Leyen, Terry Reintke and Nicolas Schmit debated EU challenges such as economy and jobs, climate and environment, and migration.

Right to vote
  • Press release

Ahead of the European elections in June, the EU has approved conclusions that underline the need to protect electoral processes from foreign interference. The conclusions call on EU countries to step up action to monitor attempts by foreign actors to interfere in the EU's democratic process.