Thoughts on the quests:
-Why include the player character in the initial cutscene when we take no part in it? Even the lines are such that the player character is an after thought. (Convo between Khadgar and Alleria).
-No special dialogues for Spriests, wielders of Xal’ateth, N’zoth’s gift, etc. feel bad.
-Just like with Illidan in Legion, it feels like Alleria is the main character- not ours. The narrative consistently focuses on a main NPC and it feels bad.
-Fairly consistently NPCs refer to past events like our characters weren’t part of the history, weren’t integral to saving the world. This feeling is amplified by the story writing constantly giving the win to NPCs.
-The knowledge our characters might have and how the writers choose to have us not share (or share against our will) information with the NPCs is always… interesting.
-With the focus of WoW having always been a conflict between Alliance/Horde, and with the two groups now becoming more cooperative and even friendly, it would have been nice if you refocused the ‘sides’ of conflict to Light vs Shadow. It would have been nice if you let us choose which side we support.
-The time should be taken to write different contextual lines based on faction, class, race (sometimes even with choices such as being an Undead Blood Elf vs a normal one), so that when characters talk to you it makes sense. You want to onboard new players? That’s cool. But having main NPCs talk like you’re not the one who’s been saving the world for the last 20 years? Or having Void Elves talk about being kicked out of Silvermoon while you’re standing there as a Blood Elf Shadow Priest with N’zoth’s eyeball on your head? Etc…

So many positive improvements to the game on so many fronts, and still the story falls flat. I know you have the talent on your team, which makes me think people who are ill equipped to tell good narrative are the ones calling the shots.

Again, the game is evolving and improving in leaps and bounds. The story telling and narrative are lagging behind.

Just my opinions/impressions.