Welcome to Upton Court Grammar School | Upton Court Grammar School Lascelles Road, Upton, Berkshire, SL3 7PR

Welcome to Upton Court Grammar School

The school, previously known as Slough Grammar School, changed its name to mark the exciting transition into its second century.

The school values its tradition of excellence and honours all of those who have, through their academic credentials and personal commitment, become outstanding members of the community and role models for the next generation.

At the forefront of education for more than a century, Upton Court Grammar School successfully blends tradition with a forward-thinking, internationally minded educational philosophy that truly meets the needs of young people venturing into adulthood in an increasingly complex world.

I am personally driven by the desire to challenge able students and nurture them to think creatively, critically and reflectively. Of equal importance is finding the appropriate level academically and allowing them to develop as a whole person through nurturing and valuing non-academic skills.

I believe achieving academic qualifications is important, but also look to develop personal qualities like leadership and teamwork, determination and flexibility, respect and consideration, confidence and self-belief. We understand that many
of life’s successes are governed by attitude rather than innate intelligence and
that a strong work ethic will take you far in life.


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