AI Image Sharpener: Unblur image online for free | Canva
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Unblur any image with AI using Canva’s Image Sharpener

Unblur photos to get detailed product shots or breathtaking travel pictures. Use Canva’s AI photo sharpener to unblur a picture and improve clarity and sharpness in one click.

Turn your uploads into professional-looking shots

Upload your image to enhance and upscale

No one likes blurry images on their website or profiles. Sharpen any image online using AI and get crisp, clear photos that stand out in seconds. Use the AI unblur tool on Canva to instantly make an image clearer, perfect for doing product photography or taking personal snaps. Let go of pixelation and blur for good, and show off those gorgeous colors, textures, and vibe of your shots.

See more vivid details come to life

Adjust the sharpness of your image

Put the focus back into your pictures with just a few clicks using an intuitive interface that requires no advanced skills. Canva’s photo unblur tool lets you unblur an image for free to improve your picture and make it sharp. To fix blurry photos, move the Sharpness and Clarity sliders in our photo editor and achieve elevated visuals to go with your Instagram post, menu cards, or wedding invites.

Add on-point design elements

Add stickers and other elements to your photo

Upload your image for deblurring and accentuate it further with different design elements. Bomb it with cute stickers for a 90s throwback party invite, or add intricate frames for a heartfelt thank you card(opens in a new tab or window). Want to add a touch of drama? Apply filters to complete your visual story. Enhance(opens in a new tab or window) your image, expand(opens in a new tab or window) it with AI, or make the background transparent(opens in a new tab or window) with more adjustment options available.

How to unblur an image

How to unblur an image
Sharpen image with AI

Open Canva on a web browser or the app. Pick a ready-made template, or start with a blank canvas.

Click Apps on the editor side panel. Select Enhancer to sharpen an image with AI for free.

Upload an image to sharpen it. Click Enhance image to enhance the blurry photo, then add it to your design. You can also choose from free stock photos in our library and remove blur with AI.

Play with filters and effects to bring out better photo quality. Drag the sliders to adjust the clarity, brightness, or contrast. Finally, insert stickers and frames to complete the picture.

Download your sharp image as a high-quality JPG, PNG, or PDF file, add it to your designs, or share it on your social media channels straight from the Canva editor.
Sharpen image with AI

Frequently Asked Questions

You can use our platform’s AI image sharpen tool to make your photo clearer for your social media channels, presentations, or website. Easily fix blurred photos without the need for complicated software or design expertise.

Unblur your image on our iOS app for free. Once you’ve downloaded it from the App Store, sharpen image for free and get rid of any blur in seconds. Simply upload your image, then click Edit photo. Play around with the Sharpness and Clarity sliders under the Adjust panel until you’re happy with the quality.

You can enhance the photo resolution of an image by using our enhancer tool. You can make sharper images first by unblurring them to bring clarity and crisp edges. If that’s not enough, select your photo and click Magic Switch on the upper portion of the interface (available to Pro users). Select Custom size to enter your desired pixel dimensions.

If you want to improve the quality of a photo, try sharpening it. Use an image unblurring tool like ours to get rid of fuzzy photos and get crisp details. Choose your image, then make the most of the different tools in our photo editor. Tweak as little or as much as you like until you’re satisfied and ready to share your new image.
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