About American History Central, Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas

About Us

An Encyclopedia of American History



Our mission is simple. We want to provide fact-based, peer-reviewed resources that cover topics in American history to students, educators, and historians. We want them to be able to use our resources as references and also to enjoy learning about history.


The Encyclopedia includes hundreds of objects, including Entries, Images, Videos, and more, that are primarily organized by letter of the alphabet and time period.

Our long-term goal is to supplement the Encyclopedia with an Almanac (daily history), and an Atlas (maps and locations).

Facts Are Stubborn Things

Our intent is to present as much factual information on each topic as we can, with as little conjecture and opinion as possible. After all, this is an Encyclopedia. There are literally hundreds of websites that cover American history, and many of them repeat the same stories, whether they are factually correct or not. Our goal is to keep to the facts. To get to the facts, we have to sort through the fiction at times, and that can take a significant amount of research.

We Create, Collect and Collate Content

We produce content on our own, covering topics on American History. However, we also search the web for resources that help supplement and expand our content. This is done in an effort to weave a comprehensive overview of each and every topic in the Encyclopedia.

Seen and Used by Millions Worldwide

We continue to work on expanding the Encyclopedia, due in large part to the traffic it receives. Since it launched in 2010, millions of unique visitors from all over the world have visited the site.

We are proud to say that hundreds of other sites from schools, libraries, and educational resources link to American History Central. Popular websites like Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Brittanica, and History.


If you are interested in contributing to the Encyclopedia, please let us know. We are especially interested in content related to the following:

  • French and Indian War
  • Native American Indian Tribes
  • Mexican-American War
  • Gilded Age
  • World War I
  • World War II

Fill out the Submission Form


American History Central is an encyclopedia of American history, funded, maintained, and published by R.Squared Communications, LLC.