Mr Brian Little :: West Lodge Medical

Mr Brian Little


Qualified in 1995 from Queen’s university in Belfast, Brian then worked as a junior doctor and SHO in the Belfast surgical rotation. After becoming a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, he started specialising in urology.

Mr Brian Little

Mr Brian Little MB, BCh, BAO, MRCS, MD, FRCS (Urol), Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons

Brian specialises as a Consultant Urologist.

Consultant Urologist

Mr Little qualified in 1995 from Queen’s university in Belfast, and then worked as a junior doctor and SHO in the Belfast surgical rotation. After becoming a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, he started specialising in urology. Brian completed a two year MD project looking at genetic markers of bladder cancer, and non invasive use of these markers to detect bladder cancer. He joined the subspeciality training programme for urology in the west of Scotland. He became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in 2007 and was entered onto the specialist register. He has been a consultant for 15 years in Ayrshire.

Brian's work involves treating men with urinary symptoms of prostate enlargement, either operatively or non-operatively, and has trained in prostate cancer diagnostics. He regularly treats erection problems, and other penis problems, such as a foreskin that will not retract. He also investigates and treats blood in the urine, and recurrent urinary infections.

Brian regularly does diagnostic procedures, such as flexible cystosopy. He also routinely does procedures that do not require a general anaesthetic, such as bladder botox injections, vasectomy, and circumcision. He performs general anaesthetic procedures where required, or at patient preference.

Our Consultants

Our consultants specialise in a range of treatments and services, including cardiology, gynaecology, plastic surgery, urology, menopause, medical legal services and private GP services.

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 “It’s not what is offered, it’s who provides it.”

British Medical Association Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecology The British Society for Surgery of the Hand

Royal College of General Practitioners Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons The British Menopause Society

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